Opinions on 140 skat mag

I'm putting together a rec ski using my carbon chan hull and I'm considering putting a 140 skat mag in it. I've decided to try out the 809cc that HPE put out recently and I'm wondering if the 140 pump would be a decent choice. It's a budget build, not looking to break the bank or go all out and squeeze every bit of power possible, just want a nice surf/rec ski. B pipe, enhancer, pump gas etc.
Would I be any better off with a stock 144? I can always get the Solas 144, just looking to keep costs at a minimum and I have a good line on the 140.

Agree, 140 mag will be much better than the stock 144. If the price is comparable though, might as well go for the 144 mag though, if for nothing else than props are available everywhere for 144 vice 140.
Agree, 140 mag will be much better than the stock 144. If the price is comparable though, might as well go for the 144 mag though, if for nothing else than props are available everywhere for 144 vice 140.

I went from a skat 140 to a Solas 144 simply because of prop selection. With my 781 I could honestly not tell much if any difference between the two pumps performance wise. Price for price I'd go with a Solas 144 but occasionally the skat 140's pop up for sale dirt cheap and are a great option if you are on a tighter budget.
Thanks for the input guys. I'm leaning toward the Solas. Solid stainless construction and prop selection are the main selling points for me.
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Bringing this thread back because I do in fact have an HPE 809 with a skat 140 mag but have considered going to the solas. It definitely seems better than stock but still in the tuning stages but so far feels pretty good. Running a skat 14/18 c75 swirl prop which feels pretty good. Considering a bored nozzle to get a bit more low end thrust out of it as top speed doesn't matter to me on this ski.

@jason184 what motor / prop / etc were running with the 140 mag? What are you running in the solas 144?
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