Need some help! I've got my ski apart and man I can't find time to get out there and put it together. With a 1 year old and a wife time is hard to come by. I've already sold alot of stuff but can still put a ski together. Should I just say efff it and continue to part it out or. Take time ago from the family and put it together?
You're an awesome salesman or a poop mechanic. I can reassemble a ski if all the parts on hand way faster than I can find buyer, deal with their bullpoop and ship off the parts.
I think the real question here is wether or not you want to keep riding. Only you can decide that.
Or you can be another one of "those guys" who never rides saying "you'll understand when you have kids". That's annoying as poop btw. Don't blame the family. Get a couch and take turns giving the kids a ride. The guy in Belgium built a side kart for his x2. This can be a family sport. I think if you have all the parts on hand and can't find time to put them together, you also won't find time to ride.
So, in closing, sarcasm aside, because I know what Is really happening is you are in a rut and want your boys to give you a pep-talk...
Sack the licorice up, put it together and go ride, or head over to the closest honda dealer and trade in your man card on a mani van. Make sure you get one with a drop down screen so you can put Frozen on a loop.
A mini van, bra? Is that really you?