Ordering a Wammer hood - 2 holds or 8?


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
OK, I've finally decided to go ahead and get the Wammer hood. No! You can't talk me out of it - I've spent so long deciding that I feel pretty sure about this. The last remaining question is, 2 handholds or 8? Do people with 8 actually use them (for flatwater)? I think I'd almost prefer 4 - perhaps I'll call to get a price on that.

What do people think?


I say 4 is perfect... set where the normal holds go.
then ones more foward towards hood hooks....
For 50/50, or taking hood off... lol
I like that style the best..
2 or 4... Not 8...
8 is VHP !
Visual Horse Power.. thats about it.:laughing:


I have the 8 hold hood and you wanna know how many of them I use? ONE. That front right one is probably the only one I use.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
OK, I just ordered the 2 hold. I asked if he would do a 4 hold, but it was too big a deal and too expensive. I really don't feel like I'll need 8 holds, and besides, it cuts into my color scheme too much! Should have it on Tuesday :woot: Now I'm off to XMW for my hooks....
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