Orlando SX

Epic battle to end an epic career! James will miss racing RC as bad as SX will miss RC.
The rest of this SX season will be a yawner. :frown:


ok, for the guys that are getting back into this.... this sucks!!!!

who will be competing against Stewart???? Not Reed!!!!
I agree w/ Ronny, this is not gonna be good!!!!!


Yeah right. Carmichael has been trying to not hurt himself for two years now. IF he didnt care about his health he could beat James again. Same difference with an old running back just trying to get a ring and not get hurt cus he has to start his new job next year and the rookie going for rookie of the year that jumps 6 feet in the air and does headplants into the ground to get the first down. just movin on>
Yeah right. Carmichael has been trying to not hurt himself for two years now. IF he didnt care about his health he could beat James again. Same difference with an old running back just trying to get a ring and not get hurt cus he has to start his new job next year and the rookie going for rookie of the year that jumps 6 feet in the air and does headplants into the ground to get the first down. just movin on>

:haha:If you say so :rolleyes: Hope he enjoys running in circles without jumps.
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
after watching the race last night on TV, no doubt.

bubba was just being REAL modest and humble.. letting RC get some camera time up front for his last race... bubba couldve passed him another 100 times in that race. :cool2:

funny, sure looked like bubba was about to toss it in the woops several times trying to catch up, seems that was really the only section he could actually out ride RC....... I dont think he was holding back, why?? Becuase anything could happen, you dont just hang back....... If he was hanging back and washed out he would be out of it.........
LOL!! Some of you guys crack me up!
Reed finished over 18 seconds back because Bubba was slowing down for RC. LOL
RC has been racing part time, organizing a new career, had a pregnant wife, had 2 kids, had more PR demands than ever before, and still manages to match Bubba's lap times every week! AMAZING!!
If Bubba had to push like he had to in Orlando every week he would DNF more than a couple times for sure IMO.
Stewart fans are just pissed James never got to "dethrone" RC. He never could get it done.
Ricky just passed the torch.
Maybe RC will "let" James hang with him in his 4 outdoors too. LOL

Steve Bruhn: Is it possible to go any faster?

Stewart: Maybe in a one lap sprint… Maybe it is possible to go a little faster, but for 20 laps, I told the guys after my heat race, “Man, I am not going any faster.” And we ended up going faster in the main event! "We had no choice."


Just ride
You really think that stewart was toying with carmichael?:bs2: I guess thats why they finished so far ahead of everyone. Stewart was pushing it soo hard to try and pass carmichael you could see it in his riding style he was making mistakes everywhere. I do think carmichael could have pulled away from stewart if he didnt have a lot to think about. Who wants to risk crashing out of their last ever sx race from pushing it so hard, I'm sure Carmichael doesn't. I don't like Stewarts riding style this season, I've seen him do so many unclean passes and little bs all over the track that you shouldnt do as a racer. He is incredibly fast I'll give him that, but there is no way he'll be better than Carmichael ever. Nonetheless it was one of the most awesome races I've seen in a while.


Remember all the crap that he used to pull when he was in lites. Waiting for riders and taunting them. He is a poor sportman. I cant imagine the ego bouncing around in that head.
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