Sweet vid, well done guys!!
shepster Living the dream! Location united kingdom, Jersey Aug 16, 2012 #41 Sweet vid, well done guys!!
fastgtfairlane Location Charlotte, NC Aug 16, 2012 #43 great video, awesome song, wish we could get surf that nice on the east coast! makes it look tooo easy
great video, awesome song, wish we could get surf that nice on the east coast! makes it look tooo easy
NJrider Huck it! Location South Jersey Aug 16, 2012 #44 I was waiting for a busty red head to make an appearance... lol great job shredding the gnar!
ghostrider117 Location md's chesapeake bay Oct 13, 2012 #47 awesome video , the three year old has been watching it all day....
Kal Lake Local turning left AND right Location North Okanagan, Canada Oct 14, 2012 #48 sick vid... nice timing w/the soundtrack...
H Honda118 Location United States Oct 14, 2012 #49 Guys were talking about this video at the ramp today when this song came on the car stereo
sjetrider 615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness. Location in the 615 (Nashville) Oct 17, 2012 #52 Newice!!!!!!