Pad under HydroTurf

you have to use new razorz at least twice through a turf job and use 36 or 60 grit belt sander paper it has a stiff backing and last longer and sands much faster for those who are having issues . or if that is not fast enough use a right angle die grinder with a 60 grit disc .
i prefer to use 2 sheets of 8mm myself
Is there any benefit to putting the pad under the turf under the sides of the tray or on the gunwales (to soften accidental elbow blows, etc.) or is that overkill? Logic tells me overkill, but I thought I would check with the experts.


High on jetskis.
it took me a ride or two to get used to the 25 mil, but one flat landing was all it took for me to love it......

i felt like it added 2 inches not 1! if i ever get back to turfing my ski it will be with black waffle and 25mil not plush, doesnt the plush get smashed pretty quickly? what did u get brett?
i though 25mm was too thick so i uses 5mm or 8mm on my last turf job. it was okay unti l i rode a ski with 25mm underpadding and loved it. it really helps absorb the shock on big landings. i used 25mm on my new build and just shaved it down to about 10mm inside the footholds. its all preference. if you are just putting around the lake then 5mm would be fine.

hey nice tray! :Banane37::laugh2:

I use multiple layers of the thin ( and cheaper ) HT pad.

its easier to work with, and 3 layers of it is softer feeling to me than the 25mm pad, and much easier to work with.

build up the areas where your feet will BE with multiuple layers, use a single layer in the rest of the tray.

it feels comfy like a pillow.

yup..did this on my last boat...used 2 or 3 of 8mm and very easy to work with...In fact, I used spray adhesive to layer them together...then regular dap for the turfjob..

Hijacking my own thread, 2 more questions:

Molded or cut groove hydroturf? HT tells me that the cut groove provides better traction, but that molded lasts longer. What is your experience?

I rode in the ocean for the first 4 years I had my SJ, but have since moved away from the beach. Most of my riding is on lakes, and while I like to fool around and learn a few tricks, I am not doing anything aggressive. I have always used only an open tray......but now that I am getting ready to returf it, I am wondering whether I should consider a kicktail and/or footholds. Overkill for my use, or would it be worth doing even if I am not maxing out the utility??

molded molded molded

what about the footholds and kicktail? good idea, or overkill?

overkill? these are NECESSITIES


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Can I assume that the waffle pattern is cut and not molded? (if memory serves, molded only comes in black and gray, not the other colors).

Is the difference in wear between cut and molded pretty substantial? Months? Years??
no, the waffle is molded... don't have any personal experience with any pattern of cut turf.

I actually called HT before I saw your reply. They say that it is cut, and that the reason that they do not list it on their site is because it is the least durable of any of their turf due to the amount of material they cut out of it. They make no warranty, offer no return, etc. on that style.

Seeing as I am lazy and would rather turf less often than more often, I'll probably go with molded diamond.
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