where would you like me to start and stop? i could go for days on this subject as i own a body shop... POR15, i wouldn't suggest it for anything but bare steel, as it is designed to be a rust inhibitor por(Paint Over Rust)... given, it does work for more than a guy would think... you can use single stage automotive paint on most of the parts without a problem, I've painted v8 engine blocks with nothing more than epoxy primer top coated with single stage, don't use anything that requires a clear coat, it will crack and separate... find a place that sells auto paint(not waterborn) and ask, i use omni and dbc/concept, both ppg products so if you can get either one i can answer most questions... high temp paints can be used as stated, though they often do not offer much corrosion protection as a paint, use a high temp primer first... either way you go, the paint is only as good as the surface it covers, clean it good with grease remover, laquer thinner, wax and grease remover, alcohol, so on so forth.... if you're sanding down old paint, don't use anything to coarse, stick with 180 at the coarsest finish with 400-600.. that should be enough to at least decide your options...
oh and one more option... use por15 and before it cures spray a "dust coat" over it with a different color then you can paint over it using the por as your primer, i would avoid this option, because it isn't guaranteed not to peal... epoxy and paint would be the way i did it, but thats me....