Other Parrish Automotive going out of business sale

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Parrish Automotive was a full service Chevy/GMC dealer in Georgetown, SC. They were forced to close their doors and are now selling off everything left in the building, including parts, tools and equipment.

My father in law told me they had lots of Dodge parts too so we drove up this morning to check it out. no Dodge parts but I picked up 2 Timecert Master sets, 3 brand new 20" Bridgestone tires and a Fluke Multimeter this morning for $300 cash.

If you own or service chev or gmc trucks then you won't want to miss this sale. Tons of misc parts left as well as all the testing and specialty service tools. They also have 7 hyd lifts including one 4 post unit, that they are asking $1700 each.





OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
All Liftmaster's I believe. Tire balancer, brake lathe station, Lincoln Mig 10, 2 rolling carts with PC's and full diagnostic scanner equipment. 250 ton press, couple rolling transmission drain catches, engine hoist, steel shop benches, and the list goes on. I wish I had taken more pictures now.

All the tools are Kent-Moore. There was one entire wall and several other shelves full of plastic cases with specialty tools. Everything from data loggers, air bag service tools, transmission and axle service tools, tons of leak detection, drive angle sensors, air conditioning, compression testers, power steering boost testers, and about 100 different kits that only do one seal or specific bushing.

I was looking for the universal tools like ball joint press, piston compressors and such but all that stuff was gone already with all the personal tool boxes.

I made a couple ridiculous offers on some electrical stuff that he is thinking about and will hopefully call me back on. He had one entire section full of the little kits of delphi terminal kits. Basically 3 of these kits, minus the tools.
He wanted $300 for all 30 kits. Great deal considering that each kit is probably worth $50-$100 individually. I offered $100 for it all but otherwise had to walk away.

I even found a Jeep hardtop buried under a pile of junk...



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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
thats a nice meter, I have basically the same one.

It's identical to my Fluke 87. I have several Fluke meters already but certainly couldn't say no to another for only $10. I'll put a new set of leads on it and throw it under the back seat of my truck or put it in my ski kit.
I would pay the $300 for the 30 plus cases of specialty tools, plus could be interested I some more, like the benches. Pm me if you are willing to help me out, can't get down there right away but would like to get some of this stuff

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