Pfp on a 701

Anyone running a pfp on a 701? When I was having my tigercraft v3 hull made I was asked whether or not I wanted it made up for a pfp or b pipe. I asked for an opinion and he seemed to believe that the pfp pipe on a JM 62t/61x was a better option.

Curious if anyone here has an experience or data to confirm or deny.


The Weaponizer
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I've always ran laydown pipes on my 701s. They flatwater flipped. Your tank options are limited, but there's a guy who makes tanks that are 3.6 gallons and Tony runs them so he could dial you in with that. Get yourself a tc freeride exhaust hose so you don't have to worry about water injestion and have at it.
Real easy to make a pfp work well on a 701 by converting it to a wet pipe. Not that dry is necessarily hard, but wet is easy.
Not a pfp but I've ran a tnt v2 and b-pipe on a mildly ported 701 with am carbs and zeeltronics.
They ran pretty similar but the power on the b-pipe started right off idle. The tnt had good bottom too (for a 701) but as rpm increased into the midrange it was spinning the prop some when going WOT. The lay down pipe will make more power with supporting mods.
I've never ran my pfp on a 701 but if you're running it wet I'm sure it will be fine.
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