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its not a surf boat but if you wanted to put a FF in there, it would fit. you would have to remount the electrical box as with any FF situation. it uses a superjet midshaft so there is plenty of room between the motor and bulkhead. why doesnt everybody just mount one of those pancake pete style removable FFs in everything instead of glassing one in?
its not a surf boat but if you wanted to put a FF in there, it would fit. you would have to remount the electrical box as with any FF situation. it uses a superjet midshaft so there is plenty of room between the motor and bulkhead. why doesnt everybody just mount one of those pancake pete style removable FFs in everything instead of glassing one in?

I originally was advised by Steve @Fast Elements to ask for a front foothold when I placed my order for a Backie Chan over a year ago. I'm not as tall as Steve is, I'm only 6' 1", but Steve said based on his experience on a Chan the extra room up front was much needed.

So, I just got off the phone with Josh @sinisterjosh209 who is key in the development and production of the Phantom. BTW, he actually called me. Pretty damn awesome when your hull builder is actually calling you. He advised with the completely new redesign from the Chan the Phantom's tray is considerably larger and trade off of loosing a suitable area for mounting the e-box would not justify the installation of a front foothold.

Oh... and if I didn't say it enough, Josh is great to work with.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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The front foot hold on my Chan was the most pointless thing I did. The only thing it gets used for is tucking the strap into when its in my truck.

To each his own on this thing. I can dig not using it, but mine gets used...
Surf stance 180's and 360 attempts, stabs along with 180 hops to flip. Both feet in the rear buckets works great too but I appreciate a FF when I'm boat chasing.
The tray in the phantom hangs over bulkhead 4 inches so the tray is already bigger then a chan with a ffh so all you would need is a added on pan cake Pete style and it won't get in the way of mounting ebox and you won't need to cut into ski
The front foot hold on my Chan was the most pointless thing I did. The only thing it gets used for is tucking the strap into when its in my truck.

Its not a flat water mod per say...... For surf its mandatory . Making it about 4 inches in into the hull allows you to get the nose down faster. As opposed to the pancake Pete version.

One more thing .....dat boy can paint....


Arlington TX
I like how far forward the holds are mounted. I might actually ride with both feed 'back' on something like that.

So did ya'll make it to WF? Did anyone ride it?
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