pics from the tc jet pilots triple up

How did we pull that off?

3 yachts, 2 trailer boats, 15 skis, and a ton of following traffic..... no water patrol? We must have looked like a force pushing down the lake! Can't wait fro Duluth!

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This Is The Way
Staff member
Dudes driving the yachts with absolute disregard to what was going on around them drove the V wake right into a dude fishing in a 18' (or so) Whaler at full trim, guy probably thought he was going to die. Dick move IMO but will probably make an interesting section in the video.
Dudes driving the yachts with absolute disregard to what was going on around them drove the V wake right into a dude fishing in a 18' (or so) Whaler at full trim, guy probably thought he was going to die. Dick move IMO but will probably make an interesting section in the video.

I wish we could get some boats around here to do that for us. Those boats in the video are small compared to the stuff we see around here, but the V wake just makes all the difference.
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