Pics from today at Lanier


brraap....thats so 2002
lol....hey paul he looks like one of the "i aint cutting anyone any slack" old timers.


LOL..... :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:


Just plain me....
That ole' cat has been around for ever. A few riot rides back he hid in the woods & watched what was going on. Then he came out & started raising hell with whomever was on the beach. He started yelling that he was going to write everbody tickets. As he grabs his ticket book out of his back pocket, it goes flying into the water. Man, was he pissed. He storms off, wet ticket book in hand & hides in the woods again. Finally the cool ranger came down & made him go away. :biggrin:


Paint Ride Shoot Edit
Seattle Wa
That's just hot...

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Who are you people and why do I never see you?!? I'm in Marietta and ride at Lanier and the 'Toona and I'm always stuck in the middle of jerk-assed teenagers in $50K wakeboard boats and rednecks on Kawi 300s with a beer in one hand. I wanna meet and ride with the cool jetskiers!
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