Pipe dream (Yamaha LS2000)

It looks brand new and shiny now! This was after siting for 5 years with the usual mice living in the air box. The mice had stuffing all the way down into the friggin reeds!!
I don't know man after working on many sitdowns and WAY more standups I feel like a boat gives me all the room in the world!! Just have to have a hoist for the engines but that is easy and cheap.

I would need 2 completes sets of triple pipes and then 2 MSD's.....I think I am not going to mess with the boat. The kids love it and it is quiet and reliable the way it is.

Someday if I am more wealthy and bored though I would like to see this thing with 2 complete triple pipe setups and all the goodies that go with it!

It is already pretty dang fast with the 270HP but man 300++ would be amazing I bet!
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