Enjoy Life...
- Location
- Cupertino,CA
Couple of shots from Sunday...
Very nice... I heard it was absolute crap down here. (not like I would personally. I haven't been on my ski like 6 weeks)
hmmm..i surfed just down the road from the usual riding spot yesterday and it was literally the best waves ive had in years..heres a pic from right above the powerplant on thursday..
it was blowing 35knts strait offshore on sat...8-10ft at S.S...it was all time just really hard to catch..we checked S.C. and it was pretty walled but there were some good corners where we surfed...i did get caught inside a few times though...fell asleep at 7:15 last night i was so tired...would have been fun on a ski..
We had no wind Sat
Was planning on a sunday daybreak ride but the wind was 35 knots
this morning looked to be perfect no wind and head High clean sets
we need to splash your ski and ride
Good stuff. Who is the owner of that ROK?