Please support the Special Olympics


JM781 Big Bore
I am hitting the icy Atlantic again this year on 2/9/25 (yeah, SuperBowl Sunday again). I'd love your support!!

Family and Friends, SuperBowl Sunday, 2/11/24 I am taking the Penguin Plunge at Hampton Beach , NH in order to raise much needed funds for the Special Olympics. I am not someone that ever asks for help from others, BUT this is for a VERY worthy cause that helps improve the health and the lives of Special Olympians and their families. I'd greatly appreciate any donations to help me at least meet my goal of $400.00 so I can actually attend and participate in this event and help out those who need it. Thank you all in advance and God Bless!

Thanks again!!
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JM781 Big Bore

Anyone want to help a brutha out, and more importantly, help the Special Olympics out. I would have bet my life I'd get at least 3 or 4 donations from y'all. There's still time though...Hint Hint.
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JM781 Big Bore
Bump for attention. Weather forecast is 30 degree air temp, 38 degree water temp and....drumroll please...6-10" of snow. Please consider a donation. Thanks brothas!!
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