Plug for pisser hole in hull

When the difficult questions get asked it’s crickets chirping... most people don’t know how to answer and those that do are rarely going to offer up any hard learned information. Case in point, go check out the thread on the guy asking how to port cases for a big bore, chirp chirp chirp. Plenty of us know how to do it but not going to give up information to give anyone a leg up or infringe on someone’s livelihood that charges for such services. Plus some things are just better left to those with experience


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Glenmoore pa
I’ve been watching that thread closely. The lack of knowledge sharing on important stuff is so short sighted. All it does is raise the barrier to entry for many people. If more knowledge was shared, the cost of parts/etc would go down and more people could enter the sport. I guess that’s a tough long-term pill to swallow when divulging “secrets” means a short term loss of revenue/business. It’s tough having a hobby like this ‍♂️


Limerick, PA
I’ve been watching that thread closely. The lack of knowledge sharing on important stuff is so short sighted. All it does is raise the barrier to entry for many people. If more knowledge was shared, the cost of parts/etc would go down and more people could enter the sport. I guess that’s a tough long-term pill to swallow when divulging “secrets” means a short term loss of revenue/business. It’s tough having a hobby like this ‍♂️

You would have really like the sport and this forum more 10-15 years ago :) I sure did, very hobbyist and DIY oriented. Lots of sharing and learning. Pros and Cons to it all but I sure enjoyed the hobby forum days.

On the plus side, the equipment options sure kick butt now and prices have come way down in ten years!

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Gotcha. I can see why not to give out some info.......... I say "If you do this and this to this size", then you go and do it and blow your motor up, you may come back at me saying "Hey man, that was some bad info you gave me, it blew my JS300 motor up, you owe me"............... I dont know if you did not measure right or did I actually give wrong info............ Dude, I thought you were building a Seadoo 585cc motor........................

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Ya sorry, thread kinda got side tracked. I guess as a software engineer I’m kinda biased towards “open source” and use at your own risk :)
With engine building, modifying, 1mm to much can take a motor that made good power to a motor that no longer has bottom end or top end........... to much material removed can really screw up a setup.......


I plugged two on the side of my hull to game room for a battery I first countersink the hole just a little then used clear tape on the outside of hull and used thickend and tinted epoxy to fill the holes and covered that with a layer of carbon remove tape when it’s cured then sticker time.
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