Other polaris couch, need some technical advice removing cylinder head cover.

I cant get this thing off for the life of me. It seems like it should pop right up. Im about to go buy a slide hammer and use the existing coolant rail bolts to pop it off. I got it loose and can spin it in a circular motion but cant get it to come off. I dont want to damage it and prying on it it seems like it might break. Any help would be great. thanks, heres a pic. Trying to get the red cylinder head coolant cover off, 3rd cylinder.
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Arlington TX
Maybe it has a O-ring around between the sparkplug hole and the cover? I had the same concerns with a Protec Head. I finally just said 'phuck it' and gently pried on both sides and it popped off.

Or.............. I don't have a clue what the issue is and you shouldn't listen to me.

Your call.
Im pretty sure your right about there being some type of oring there. Its just a pain to do with the engine still in the ski. I dont wanna break anything, but I might just have to get a tiny screw driver in there and pry up. I got wd-40 soaking it. I got the ski cheap. Trying to pick up a few over the winter to sell in the summer. rear cylinder seized, possible broken rod or wrist pin because I can actually turn the engine the oppisite way little. other two pistons move and the rear one stays stationary. plug electrode was all messed up. I wanted to pull it apart and see if its worth working on or parting out. I should probably just pull the engine because Ill be doing it either way.
lol its not personally for me. its sort of business. I quit my full time job and took a part time and rented a garage to do auto and marine work. Is this a bad ski to work on?
I also have a Polaris MTX 150. Someone dropped off at my garage asking me to see if I could get it running. After a little inspection(and seeing that it was completely tagged as a GP1200 HIN, stickers on the engine, emission stickers, warning stickers) I realized this ski was under water for sure, engine hydrolocked and spewed so much water it was amazing. Called the guy and he said yeah, 2 years ago I had it moored and it sank. I refloated it, started it and it had no power and the lcd screen was going nuts. Im about to call him back to come pick it up. 4 stroke, an automotive looking computer, heat exchanger, no room to work, probably stolen and it sank in salt water, NO THANKS.

i personally have two couches that i dont even look at anymore, except the one with a 701, and the way I look at that is like how a lion looks at gazelle, ready to rip it apart at the first sign of weakness. I got the polaris 1050 for a couple hundred bucks, bill of sale and current reg. Thought it may be a good deal. At least worth more parted out. Any info is appreciated. Thanks
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