Lol, I wonder if the cops will buy her another used Sea Ray Sundancer...itll be funny to see how this will play out, even though I am sure we will never know.
I am sure they have some boat they confiscated from a drug dealer they can give her.
Lol, I wonder if the cops will buy her another used Sea Ray Sundancer...itll be funny to see how this will play out, even though I am sure we will never know.
The boat owner will have to go to court and prove he was not at fault, unfortunately just like getting a speeding ticket when you say you were not speeding the court ALWAYS takes the word of the cop. Even if there is NO PROOF to support thier claim. Its a system that requires $ to escape being railroaded. If they have the money to hire a good lawyer then they will come out fine. Unfortunately it will probably not be worked out in thier favor until this time next year.
They probably have a boat payment they will be making without being able to use thier boat for a year.
There was absolutely no call for that cop to be oporating that recklessly in that congested of an area, but he will justify it some way and attempt to put the boat owner at least partially at fault.
The bad news is our taxes will aid his deffense and pay for the repairs to both boats.
Doubtful. The jurisdiction will most likely settle out of court immediately and try to keep it out of the news. They blatantly messed up, on video. If they do anything other than settle immediately, they are absolute idiots. Buy a new boat and it all goes away.