port pics,trying new cylinder out

Trying out a new cylinder I got,unknown port job,different shaped,what do you guys think this will do best strange wear marks in the jugs.nothing you can feel.dont have the measurements in front of me right now.




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at peace
Looks to me like someone tried their hand on the RaceLogic Freestyle SportPort template. The shape of the exhaust port looks exactly like that - and it seems they had a somewhat unsteady hand.

The wear marks - those two columns on each side of the exhaust port in the second picture kind of look like a four-corner seizure (very very light).
I didnt know the racelogic port was shaped like that.Ive never seen one this narrow on bottom and wide on top? hopefully it will hit decent on the bottom,gonna try and do a little case porting to match on a motor to throw in a b1
Its not the cleanest ive ever seen,but the price was nice and it should still perform,ya think those marks are really from a seizure ?
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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Its not the cleanest ive ever seen,but the price was nice and it should still perform,ya think those marks are really from a seizure ?

Yep, I had a kawie 750 SX cylinder I kept doing that to. I eventually sold the cylinder. It might be the reason they sold you this cylinder... I did do it to a stock cylinder too, maybe I should have learned how to jet carbs a little sooner...


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Its not the cleanest ive ever seen,but the price was nice and it should still perform,ya think those marks are really from a seizure ?


I thought I said so. :biggrin:

By the way, that type of seizure can happen via over-cooling. You recently had asked about this.
60 bucks.got another for 60 also in better shape but less of a port on it,more or less cleaned up.If I have it touched up a bit I should be ok. It may have stuck at one point but its still super smooth.hopefully with the cleanup and proper cooling it will be alright
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