Surfriding Poss cavitation on my edge

I pretty sure I have cavitation issue with my Rickter edge but unsure how I'm running a 5mm stroker with a solas 144 mag in perfect condition I tried different prop combos 13/18 15/20 , pump ring is spot on finding on white water she almost stands still where never use to the whole pump looks perfect?? Any one had this before and can advise in other things to look for thanks phill

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Any little things could cause it. Look your pump tract over good. I once had a little piece of foliage get wedged between my intake grate and pump shoe and it caused massive cavitation. Anything that can cause even the tiniest air pocket will licorice you.
mine did not either but when pump is under a load the pump creates pressure so if you have air leak anywear then you have cavitation ,i found out the hard way by trial and error! also check your clearance from prop to pump!


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Besides the above small sticks, midshaft, pump seal, pump alignment. Did you check drive shaft runout to confirm shaft isnt causing the cavitation
So I have just removed everything and can find nothing that jumps out I removed the complete pump and pump shoe , now re sealed pump shoe and re fitted and lined pump up perfectly. Removed intermediate and checked but fitted one that I replaced seals and bearings in ??? Fingers crossed it may cure it but hate the fact I couldn't find anything

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So I have just removed everything and can find nothing that jumps out I removed the complete pump and pump shoe , now re sealed pump shoe and re fitted and lined pump up perfectly. Removed intermediate and checked but fitted one that I replaced seals and bearings in ??? Fingers crossed it may cure it but hate the fact I couldn't find anything on

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So after lots of spanning pump in and out few times and tested I didn't find any improvement at this point I was losing the will to live . Then had a gut feeling??? So I removed my msd and re fitted stock cdi and boom it was a beast again was a but gutted as the msd only 3 months old . Msd must been limiting out making me think it was the pump

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Well, you have it narrowed down to the MSD Enhancer. However, if there should be an issue with the charge or pulser coil of the stator, your ignition might work well with stock cdi but not with enhancer. So don't discard the enhancer yet! Did you check resistance (in ohms) of the coils while you had the ebox open?
Well, you have it narrowed down to the MSD Enhancer. However, if there should be an issue with the charge or pulser coil of the stator, your ignition might work well with stock cdi but not with enhancer. So don't discard the enhancer yet! Did you check resistance (in ohms) of the coils while you had the ebox open?
Yes and 100% text book bang on when I first fitted the msd I was disappointed in that time it's had different stator and coil but always ruled out msd as it was new out the box
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