Power sub/Turn sub/Fakie sub

Mr. SeXieR

Carry a gun,cops R2 heavy
Austin, TX
I like to do a little S- carve right before I nose it down, heres my first one I pulled out of. [video=vimeo;4522496]http://vimeo.com/4522496[/video]
You'll have to click on the title page and watch it at vimeo, it wont download via the link for whaterve reason
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anyone doin these on an fx-1 i can make a left turn and get the whole ski underwater where im ankle deep in water but when i try a turn sub it just rolls over on its side any tips
ill post mine when i get home.
the easiest way to do it, is to slow down to about 10 mph, lift the handpole really high (about up to ur neck), turn it as far as it will go, learn forward, floor it, and take a dive into the water.

works everytime.
coming out of it is a different story, i can go as deep as i want though.
slow down

dude, slow down.

I would try your own stance. Usually your outside foot goes forward. So if you are turning to the left, you would put your right foot forward in the tray. This gets your hips facing where you want to go.
I dont drag my leg, dont need to if you go slower. Not saying you need to do it this way.
So going slow, let off the gas for a sec. this alows the nose to sink a little. throw your shoulders forward just above your bars as you turn to the left and gas it again (in this example we are turning to the left) Figure out how much gas you need, probably only 1/2 throttle or less. Keep your head focused on your left bond rail near the front. As soon as your body goes under turn the bars to the right and make sure you have the gas on a little. This will bring the back of the machine back under you, which is important because as you first go under the water your machine is way out to the side. This will be why some people come to the surface and they are on there side.
So as you stop going down, keep the bars cranked to the right and let off the gas. As the machine comes under you relax your legs and allow your right leg come out of the tray and float outside the tray. Use this leg as a balance tool to keep you upright untill you can get momentum again.

Let me know how this works out.
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