Super Jet Pre-build tips neded??


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new jersey
A little background on me and my proposed build--I bought a 93 sn with a 701 and was able to ride it a few weekends until a dogbite that needed stitches ended my season( along with the coming cool weather and water here in NJ( I ride Barnaget Bay). after reading numerous buildups on this site I plan on footholds(BOB maybe), changing the hood profile and seal, new pole, turf, tubbies maybe. My glassing experience is nil and my engine exp is novice at best but I feel confident in anything mechanicallly(I'm a licensed plumbing contractor). I know removing the engine will makes all this alot easier to maneuver the ski around but is it necessary? And if I do remove it why not do some hull reinforcing . Then why not refoam. With older skis is this a must? I appreciate all your exerienced input and will be looking for it in the near future. TIMG_0437.jpgIMG_0438.jpgIMG_0439.jpgIMG_0440.jpghis is what I have to work with...
When you start glassing be sure to use the right resin(epoxy). And if you going to defoam there are couple different ways to "refoam". I think next time i refoam im going to try and use ping pong balls.
you came to the right place!!! i learned alot from guys on here and finished my first build earlier this year. theres alot of guys building squares recently and alot of good info out there. you can check out my build, link in my sig. Good luck and have fun
If your looking for adjustable footholds the Bobs are alright but you also have RRP and Krash industries. With re foaming theres many options out there that you can search and find what works the best for you. (ping pong balls, 2 part foam, Empty plastic bottles). if you want a new hand pole the cheapest and best option is to get a hazard bracket and a round nose pole. you can shorten the round nose pole fairly easy. check out the Tech FAQ and youll learn a bunch.


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new jersey
Nice build 650!! Came out money!! I suspect when i start cutting, wet foam will be in my future from the way the hull looks. But I think I'll go with the 2-part foam. Heading down to the shore this week to bring the ski back north so I can start this madness. Just reading all the builds going on gets me excited and ready! I finally found a pic of the Krash footholds and I like the looks of them-and it also looked like the tray was widened in the pic I saw. Thats the main reason I like the BOBs, for the wider stance. Would love to swap the stock pole for a RN but they seem very hard to come-by. I have 7 months to track one down so...
Im doing the same this winter, well actually starting soon. 2 sn's, defoam/refoam(my foam is for sure wet), reinforcing, cutting back a few inches, freshing up 2 701's, roundnose poles or the handle poles the guy in the classifieds is making. I also have little glass experience except for surf board minor repairs.
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Epoxy is my duct tape
These things are just as simple as a toilet bro dont worry about anything...

As far as motor I think the best bang for your buck is a Jetmaniac motor.... If your wanting to go that way, If you want to home build a motor try and find a home port kit, grab a b-pipe, head and lightened flywheel, you'll be quite happy with that, The impeller everybody will recommend is the 9/15 Hooker from Impros (Dave)

If your going to shorten your hull, you might want to grab a RN pole so you can shorten it, You'll need a hazard bracket...Dont know if he still sells them, Haven't looked into it for a loooong time

Personally I would get the biggest no adjustable foot holds you can find...I think X-metals are the biggest but haven't looking in to it for a while, West Systems is a great epoxy to use

With glassing advice...Buy paper coveralls, Dont use work coveralls that Sh!! is itchy and never comes out!

Have fun, Look forward to watching your build


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new jersey
Well I got my ski in the garage but haven't had time to start the fun yet.. I see lotta builds using the pink or blue block foam just crammed in when they're reforming. Are there pros n cons to using those types as opposed to the expanding two-part ot just personal preference? Trying to get as prepared as I can..

Another just random question -- in my limited riding I always felt more stable and in control when riding regular foot surf style but seems everyone mounts the footholds even across as opposed to staggered. Am I just inexperienced? My riding profile amounts to renting superjets numerous hours in the mid-nineties during summers and now just bought one and was on it all of august til water chilled up. i.e. not that experienced
usually people mount there footholds parrelel to each othe so you can swith up and you can run a Front foothold that a couple people make on here. Lival makes the Pancake Pete FFH and tom21 makes one too or you can just run a foot strap up front. the foam is all personnal prefferance.
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