Custom/Hybrid Primer kit install

Like I said, no reserve line, it's a custom tank with two lines going out ,one for each carb ( at the bottom), two lines on top , one for return and the other for vent. Question stands....if you had no choice but to tap the main, what are the drawbacks. Besides a fuel leak.
When I was new to the sport, I put in my first primer install and tapped the supply line. Been running like that for 5 years with no issues. I have been too lazy to go back and redo it


Epoxy is my duct tape
I tap the supply, The primer primes the lines as well as the carbs, only thing I would keep in mind is if your still running a reserve line tap that one because it draws from the bottom of the tank where there is always fuel
This will clear it up a bit...009.jpg
If I tap return line I will be sucking in air, right?
So I have no choice but to tap one of the two main lines, but what are the drawbacks if any?
If I tap return line I will be sucking in air, right?
wrong, return line returns fuel to the tank and should stay full of fuel

So when you are pumping the primer, which way is it going to suck fuel. Air form the return line on top of the tank or will it pull it through the carb? I would think it would mostly pull air from the tank since that is the path of least resistance.

just joe

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I used to tap the main line, but I had the air leak issue as stated when I hit the primer with my foot and busted the bulb. So I now tap the return line (and use the plunger).
If I had a reserve line there would be no discussion, my only choice is supply line. The return line has air at one end on cold starts, so that won't do me any good. So I will keep an eye out on air and fuel leaks and no kicking the primer bulb, got it. Thanks guys for the input.
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