Want to Buy Pro Design Domes

looking for domes and orings if anyone has them. 33cc or around there for the pictured head. Thx

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Sionis Industries
Tom @ProDesign #714-534-0620, I ordered parts for my 1100 head last year. He told me you can order from him if he has any stock. Typically he uses blowsion as a distributor. He mentioned he made their branded domes and twin head parts
Sorry don’t have extra 33

same domes: watcon, umi, speedwerx, blowsion, Kommander, JSU, greater yamaha, wamilton, East coast, Protec, Rius racing, prodesign, savage, and others I forgot over the years.
I think I may have an extra set. Let me check today
they are still available brand new from ProTec if you desire brand new (same dome).

funny, I never realized. Thx for the tip. Had no idea they were the same and they were still in business.

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Sorry don’t have extra 33

same domes: watcon, umi, speedwerx, blowsion, Kommander, JSU, greater yamaha, wamilton, East coast, Protec, Rius racing, prodesign, savage, and others I forgot over the years.

Thanks, what sizes do you have? A 34 would likely work as well. Just realized I have a set of 36’s so I prefer 2 cc down.

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