Riding an SXR is like riding a fat girl.
They Bigger, Heavier, Eat More and Great for Cruising.:jester:
Just don't let your friends see you on one :biggrin:
I've never seen much compared with the Polaris and Hydrospace for weight and performance either. Anyone care to elaborate?
All this talk about preferences got me thinking, so bear with me....
I would say approximately 10% of the standup riders prefer SXRs (kind of like 10% of the population prefers the the same sex).
So the question is; what is your "orientation"?
I wonder if preferring an SXR over a SuperJet can be attributed to "nature or nuture" (not that there is anything wrong with that). :thinking:
I go both ways.
Let me take a shot.
I go both ways.
I own both.
everybody knows the SXR dominates and is a freestyle machine. DUH!ancake:
This is true
chit, I gonna sell my SJ instead and start freestyling the SXR!