Project RiverRat II


South Jersey
So the pole SHIPPED.........but then had to be returned to the welder????? I don't get it. It either shipped or it didn't. Not a lot of room for discusson there. I can understand saying it's gonna ship and then having a problem. Once he says it's shipped, the clock is ticking. You are definitely a "glass half full" kind of guy.:smile:


All good points.



Louisville, Ky
I kept thinking about it and I could have bought a RRP instead for more $$ but I was just not feeling it on the X-jet. I more than likley would have ended up buying a AC or X-metal pole. I saw pics of the new ones......they are welded up and ready to go. Cleaner than the previous version. He took everyones criticisms of the first gen pole and made changes to remove the 90 degree edges, smooth out the flow of the pole to make it more streemlined. He will also be offering different skins on the poles to give them differnt looks. A smooth one that is better suited for the x-jet and one that is more geared towards the rev hull design, but that is still in the works.

I am a glass is half full type of guy..........still pretty pumped about this hull. It is not a plop a motor in and go situtation as you can tell but show me a project that is??? The pole situtation got under my skin..........I talked to him about that........and he could probably tell I was pissed. But he took the time to snap some shots of the new poles all lined up and walked me through the changes made durring this new production. Its a good design......more refinned than the last one...............but we will see.
I kept thinking about it and I could have bought a RRP instead for more $$ but I was just not feeling it on the X-jet. I more than likley would have ended up buying a AC or X-metal pole. I saw pics of the new ones......they are welded up and ready to go. Cleaner than the previous version. He took everyones criticisms of the first gen pole and made changes to remove the 90 degree edges, smooth out the flow of the pole to make it more streemlined. He will also be offering different skins on the poles to give them differnt looks. A smooth one that is better suited for the x-jet and one that is more geared towards the rev hull design, but that is still in the works.

I am a glass is half full type of guy..........still pretty pumped about this hull. It is not a plop a motor in and go situtation as you can tell but show me a project that is??? The pole situtation got under my skin..........I talked to him about that........and he could probably tell I was pissed. But he took the time to snap some shots of the new poles all lined up and walked me through the changes made durring this new production. Its a good design......more refinned than the last one...............but we will see.

just out of curiosity how long did the guys that bought the turn key rev 1200's wait from start to finish


Matakana Menace
I am a glass is half full type of guy..........still pretty pumped about this hull. It is not a plop a motor in and go situtation as you can tell but show me a project that is???

This is what I cannot understand, why is it not a 'plop a motor in situation'?

If I purchased an aftermarket hull/hood/bracket/pole, then it had damn well better be a plug in the motor build.:rolleyes:

As long as your are happy, that is all that matters. Good luck.


Katie's Boss
100% one place
I kept thinking about it and I could have bought a RRP instead for more $$ but I was just not feeling it on the X-jet. I more than likley would have ended up buying a AC or X-metal pole. I saw pics of the new ones......they are welded up and ready to go. Cleaner than the previous version. He took everyones criticisms of the first gen pole and made changes to remove the 90 degree edges, smooth out the flow of the pole to make it more streemlined. He will also be offering different skins on the poles to give them differnt looks. A smooth one that is better suited for the x-jet and one that is more geared towards the rev hull design, but that is still in the works.

I am a glass is half full type of guy..........still pretty pumped about this hull. It is not a plop a motor in and go situtation as you can tell but show me a project that is??? The pole situtation got under my skin..........I talked to him about that........and he could probably tell I was pissed. But he took the time to snap some shots of the new poles all lined up and walked me through the changes made durring this new production. Its a good design......more refinned than the last one...............but we will see.


SXR-Lou had his XFT built in a week once he had all the parts.
Plop and play.:biggthumpup:



Site Supporter
Metro Detroit
aside from all of your waterdawg hoopla, I was wondering about your trim. I read your posts but was curious...i didnt read really good, skimmed, how do you get all of that throw? is that the pulle system you have on yours? or does your lever just stick way out, and have alot of pull to it?


So long and thanks for all the fish
it's the Virgin/Thrust Innovations trim set-up.... depending on how you set the pulley up you will have 35 degress of trim

With the pulley, you don't get that trim. He was only getting 10-15 degrees with the pulley.

There is no free lunch, you either have a hard pull and lots of throw, or an easy pull and less throw, unless you use something to gain extra force such as air/co2/electric.


Louisville, Ky
With the pulley, you don't get that trim. He was only getting 10-15 degrees with the pulley.

There is no free lunch, you either have a hard pull and lots of throw, or an easy pull and less throw, unless you use something to gain extra force such as air/co2/electric.

I have the straight pull cable, I just need to install it, then I will get the max throw. Not sure if I will max it out with the virgin trim lever or not. I may switch to a BMX style similar to the XFT lever. It allows for more throw. The pulley system is OK and does what it was intended to do which is be light on the finger. But I like the a throwing trim. If it is a little difficult to throw it does not bother me much. When I need it I am usually holding on pretty tight :biggrin:
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Louisville, Ky
Still waiting on the pole and some small items from Riva. Dropped the motor in tonight just for a test fit. Still need to install my bilge pumps and finish the turf but once that is done it should be on the water pretty quickly. I will be busy this weekend but should be able to finish it up on my off days next week.


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Louisville, Ky
motor pics.........I have been riding the last few weeks with this motor in a SJ so I should be able to give a good review on how this hull rides in comparison to a roundnose SJ.


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