Super Jet Project Vajeen

Why are you using chop mat? i would try to stay away from that, you're going to soak up a ton of resin and add weight. I'd take steps to use as little resin as needed and squeegee it out of the glass. I would also use biax unless you are trying to build up an area, but just my suggestion.
i'm not really worried about weight that much. i figure i'm chopping so much off the hull, hood, and tray that if the resin adds a couple pounds it won't be anymore than what i started with.
i'm not really worried about weight that much. i figure i'm chopping so much off the hull, hood, and tray that if the resin adds a couple pounds it won't be anymore than what i started with.

I get the weight thing but the mat just absorbs the resin and has very little strength. I'd ditch it. Also you're adding the weight to the nose so it could have more effect than you think. A few lbs prob won't but I'd still ditch the chop.
i don't know.. i haven't had an issue with it yet. as far as strength..brad used it on his fx-1 (the one that t-boned my sj to begin with) and his ski left the accident with only a scratch on it. i'll definitely look into in though before i start glassing the rest of it. as far as weight in the nose- i'm distributing the glass evenly throughout the hull so the nose shouldn't be weighed down any more than the rest of the hull. then again i have no idea lol just an assumption. btw you going to daytona ?
i don't know.. i haven't had an issue with it yet. as far as strength..brad used it on his fx-1 (the one that t-boned my sj to begin with) and his ski left the accident with only a scratch on it. i'll definitely look into in though before i start glassing the rest of it. as far as weight in the nose- i'm distributing the glass evenly throughout the hull so the nose shouldn't be weighed down any more than the rest of the hull. then again i have no idea lol just an assumption. btw you going to daytona ?

No, I can't make Daytona this year unfortunately.

Def do some research. Chop is meant for building up areas but you should def use biax. Just out of curiosity, you are using epoxy resin, right?
yes on the resin and i talked to brad davis...he recommended i use the biax too so i'll prob buy some before i need to glass again. should i use that for the hood and tray too ?
I used biaxial for just about everything. I bought 12oz and 17oz. The 12oz is easier to get to stay down. I also covered most of the biaxial I have laid in eglass to make it smoother and to help hold the biaxial down when curing.
I usually use something in the 10-12 oz range for tight areas and If you need more just layer it. Bigger spces sometimes ill use heavier. Use as little resin as possible to keep it wet and as little as needed overall to keep weight down. Glad Brad was able to confirm that I wasn't lying to you. Lol.
lol just wanted a second opinion since ive never worked with it what should i do with the bottom now thats already in chop ? put a layer over top the existing ?
lol just wanted a second opinion since ive never worked with it what should i do with the bottom now thats already in chop ? put a layer over top the existing ?

I would sand it down as far as you can, then when you're ready put biax over it. Hit it hard with the DA. You shouldn't need many layers of biax IMO. Again, Dave is the expert, he does glass work all day every day. I'd make a post for him on Delmarva or send him a msg on FB.
cut the hood about 2 weeks ago and cut the tray up today. more mat coming in on thursday so the plan is to lay up some more glass next weekend and buy the foam to start shaping the nose.

remember the strength is in the cloth more so than the resin, you want to use as little resin as you need to wet the cloth out. the chopped mat is a mess too you will have a much cleaner result with the biax as well as save money in resin. looks great tho so far. are you rockering the tail too?
lookin good! , dave and ed are correct...and leave the glassing questions alone with davis,,,just sayin...and he can talk all he wants but i have NEVER seen any of his glass work....motor work thats another story ,hes good there.

you cuttin the bubba gump lip off the front?
I'll be cutting the lip off...roughly to the point where the top deck stops now. from there it shouldn't be too hard to round it off nicely. i shape foam for a living so shaping a nose out of foam should, hopefully, be the one thing that comes easy lol. just gonna go to lowes or home depot and get some sheets of it, build it up, and blend it down using a 3 inch grinder.
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