Other Pro's n Con's of lightweight flywheels.

lighter wheel will also reduce crank twisting which is a lot more detrimental to bearing life than the harmonics our engines generate.will also allow for longer front bearing life even on a stock motor.
never seen or heard from anyone that a light wheel created problems or light pistons for that matter.
the cons of a lightened flywheel is that by removing material, it weakens it and i have seen cracked lightened flywheels. on a beater 701 with no HP, it isnt a big deal, but anything that creates power, look out. i have lightened several SXR flywheels by beating the magnets out and grinding the most forward edge off , up to the trigger bumps. 4" hand grinder on my drill press. increased throttle response with no balance problem. lightweight flywheel increases front bearing life by lessening load on front bearing. why do you think yamaha put a huge bearing on the flywheel end and a smaller one on the coupler end? they were smarter than kawi.
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