PSA vs glueing turf

Anyone use the hydroturf with the adhesive backing instead of using contact cement? What's the lifespan compared to glueing? Was also looking at the blacktip mats for a Superjet, are they any good?

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I have a roll of the 3m pre-stick stuff for doing parts and just from the vibration it is coming off.. would never use it to do a tray

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For flat surfaces like sit downs it’s great.

For compound curves like on standups you want to use the regular turf without adhesive and use WeldWood red contact adhesive.

The Black Tip stuff is hard and sucks.


NE Tenn
Alrighty then.Let me help out here.Part of what l do for a living is with adhesives.So the psa works fine as long as you use an adhesive promoter.Clean with rubbing alcohol,spray promoter,let dry for a few minutes,and then apply the turf with will work fine.A heat glue can be used to mold the turf around curves.
But Weldwood is the preferred and accepted way to glue mats down.


dodgin' bass boats
What he said ^^^ In my experience the PSA sticks to the hull just fine but separates from the turf itself. It's good for battery pads and furniture feet.

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NE Tenn
Hydro turf must have a better way of doing its psa.l did my old fx1 years ago and it held up fine.Never have used Black Tip
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