Pump Gas Lifespan?


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
so if premix is safe for an old car would it be safe to run it in my turbo mazda, it's an 88 but runs and drives like a 98? would it hurt the turbo? i think it would be fine...anyone got a clue?

Don't do that. It won't hurt the turbo but due to the high compression of a forced induction motor, it could hurt the motor. The whole principle of not running old gas in the ski is because you don't want any abnormalities to damage a high compression/high rpm motor. I would imagine your turbo mazda is in that same category. Run it in the ski before the car. Jet ski engines costs less...


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
These guys claim 90 days is it for the type of gas we get in NY and CA. I think mix gas is less unless you use a stabilizer, I have heard 30 days in poor conditions.

Stabil claims:
How long will STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer keep fuel fresh?
For 12 months when mixed into fresh gasoline. Doubling the dosage will keep fuel fresh for up to 2 years.
i know this is an old thread but was just talking to a local jetski mechanic and he said adding fuel stabilizer in a jet ski is bad due to the rubber components like the diaphram?

any opinions?

i dont use it in my ski but i had recommended it to a friend who never uses her ski and she is having carb related problems. haven't torn into the carbs yet to see if any deterioration occured.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
I've herd this as well, however no personal experience as i dont dump coin on stabilizers. I wouldn't second guess it thou
I've herd this as well, however no personal experience as i dont dump coin on stabilizers. I wouldn't second guess it thou

I remember talking with the head mechanic at the local dealer a few years back and he said he had went to a conference where they were basically told that nowadays, with all the additives and ethanol added to the fuel, that it starts to break down and go bad after about 2 weeks.
Ive also heard that sta-bil doesnt help with these new ethanol blended fuels, IE; Ethanol absorbs water and sta-bil wont help with that.
Ski: 5 grand
Can of gas: 20 dollars

Anything older than a month I run through my old car, a gallon at a time (mixed with a full tank). At that ratio (probably 500:1) I'm not too worried about damage.
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