Pump shims

I took my pump off to replace the wear ring.

Both sides had two shims, one 4 thou and one 20 thou.

All the shims are corroded. I think the corrosion pretty much doubles the thickness of the 4 thou shim. I can try to sand them clean but I might affect the thicknesss by a thou or two. Also a few years ago I had the hull painted (gel coat) and unless I get the shims lined up precisely within the paint lines, the pump is going to be off by at least the thickness of the smaller shim (4 thou).

I find it hard to believe that the pump has to be lined up that precisely. Is this absolutely necessary? What if it is off by a few thou? Does it put upward or downward pressure on a bearing?

Edit: Are these shims available anywhere online one-at-a-time? My dealer will only sell packs of 10 of each type.
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