i run mine with a worx 201, shredmaster, r&d all in a blaster and it works just as good as the stock shoe did.
You deserve a sponsor deal. Now I need to figure out how to fund it.
yes 90% of the blaster intakes are not aggressive enough for me. the r&d just requires a little grinding to the spine that goes into the pump cavity.
i have even started putting big shims under the intake mounting points to make the scoop deeper. thats why i want kurt to sponsor me : )
i think i sold 4 shoes this week alone. all those were the sj version going in blasters. can't wait to try the blaster one, problem is i am not about to rip out the sj version just to test. getting a plastic shoe out is a bitch, i can't even imagine trying to get out his aluminum one.
not sure what your riding is but on a buoy course the jet dynamics just don't hook up in the turns there just not aggressive, they give ok speed but i want it to hook up and be quick buoy to buoy