Pump Shoe Help - Aluminum Shoe From SNOWXR


Alright, so I knew I'd have to fill the gap at the front of the Super Jet Pump Shoe when I installed it on the Blaster, but these gaps near the intake grate can't be right ... am I missing something?




V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
The SJ and B1 shoes have a little different length scoop where the grate mounts. The B1 specific grates are sometimes much longer, like yours. It can be run this way, or you could make use of the larger selection of SJ grates. Grinding yours to match would take some time, but may give you improved results.



s. fla
i run mine with a worx 201, shredmaster, r&d all in a blaster and it works just as good as the stock shoe did.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
The biggest reason the JD grate looks so funny is because it doesn't have 2 bars on the sides of the grate. The single "driveshaft shielding" bar leaves the chip looking out of place.


s. fla
yes 90% of the blaster intakes are not aggressive enough for me. the r&d just requires a little grinding to the spine that goes into the pump cavity.

i have even started putting big shims under the intake mounting points to make the scoop deeper. thats why i want kurt to sponsor me : )

i think i sold 4 shoes this week alone. all those were the sj version going in blasters. can't wait to try the blaster one, problem is i am not about to rip out the sj version just to test. getting a plastic shoe out is a bitch, i can't even imagine trying to get out his aluminum one.

not sure what your riding is but on a buoy course the jet dynamics just don't hook up in the turns there just not aggressive, they give ok speed but i want it to hook up and be quick buoy to buoy


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Lee is the most experienced with the sj/b1 swap, by far. How many have you done now, 5? You deserve a sponsor deal. Now I need to figure out how to fund it.


s. fla
You deserve a sponsor deal. Now I need to figure out how to fund it.

ain't that the truth, we all could use some government aid these days. i have done 2 this week alone, got it down to less than a hour with 5200 for the shoe and jb weld water world epoxy for filling the wings and creating a seamless flow. i just don't want to have to remove them : )


s. fla
i will try and shoot a pic tonight. may be hard to see since it is white as well as the pump tunnel.
the easiest part is the jb weld or aqua mend is another one. it is like silly putty that is designed to be applied under water. so i just keep wetting my fingers to create the perfect smooth finish. it is alot like working with clay if you have ever done any clay pots in school.

the epoxy sets up in 10-15 minutes and cures in a hour. it makes great fast repairs for minor incidents at races too : )


yes 90% of the blaster intakes are not aggressive enough for me. the r&d just requires a little grinding to the spine that goes into the pump cavity.

i have even started putting big shims under the intake mounting points to make the scoop deeper. thats why i want kurt to sponsor me : )

i think i sold 4 shoes this week alone. all those were the sj version going in blasters. can't wait to try the blaster one, problem is i am not about to rip out the sj version just to test. getting a plastic shoe out is a bitch, i can't even imagine trying to get out his aluminum one.

not sure what your riding is but on a buoy course the jet dynamics just don't hook up in the turns there just not aggressive, they give ok speed but i want it to hook up and be quick buoy to buoy

Freeride in the surf ... but I guess that'd mean I need to pick up an intake grate too now since this obviously isn't going to work.

I'm not sure what to think about setting the scoop so far back in comparison to stock. I mean, on one hand the water coming in is closer to the prop, but on the other hand, it might be coming in rougher (more whitewater) since it doesn't hit the tunnel and fill in the gap.

Or maybe I'm just overthinking this. Who knows...

- G
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