Pump shoes

Got a rn superjet, stock 144 pump for now, riding it the other day and the pump shoe came off . Anyway, looking at upgrading. What are some options? Newish to superjets. I've read about the pro watercraft shoe but havent seen any reviews on it. Anyone? Also aware of aluminum shoes as well.
I've seen the video of the prowatercraft install and they definitely didnt grind or clearance anything. I've never tried their products before but I hear good things about them.
Corona, CA
I'd vouch for the Worx grate. I put one in my 09 and it fit like a glove. Absolutely no grinding required. I didn't like the idea of having to drill my own holes on the Blowsion one and the Pro Watercraft one seems plastic like the stock one. Not sure if it actually is or not, but if it is you're just going to eventually end up with another broken shoe again at some point in my opinion if your running a scoop grate.


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Got a rn superjet, stock 144 pump for now, riding it the other day and the pump shoe came off . Anyway, looking at upgrading. What are some options? Newish to superjets. I've read about the pro watercraft shoe but havent seen any reviews on it. Anyone? Also aware of aluminum shoes as well.

We stock all of the pump shoe options and sell alot of them so we get lots of feedback. OEM is the best fit and lightest, but weak and prone to damage. Worx is the best fitting aluminum shoe over the Blowsion and Jet Dynamics.

Lots of shoes are installed not in SuperJets these days, but in a/m hulls which are all over the place in how shoes fit in them.
We stock all of the pump shoe options and sell alot of them so we get lots of feedback. OEM is the best fit and lightest, but weak and prone to damage. Worx is the best fitting aluminum shoe over the Blowsion and Jet Dynamics.

Lots of shoes are installed not in SuperJets these days, but in a/m hulls which are all over the place in how shoes fit in them.

any sort of increase in performance or hookup with the worx shoe over oem?
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