Pump Stuffer Insert Question


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at peace
What does this do? The Square I am working on right now had it. I managed to pry it out of there, and it was a heavy & thick son of a bitch.

What's the purpose?


Team Poseur
Tacoma, WA, USA
No need to cry. Typical sarcasm on my part.

You're exactly right about low end. In fact, while you're at it, maybe you should start hacking away and make a bigger pump cavity?


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My friend is into top speed on his SJ and when him and I go at it for top speed, he barely pulls by me real slowly, maybe 1-2 mph at the most. He then installed one of those stuffers and he smokes by now by a good 5 mph. It was really a noticable difference. So I can believe the top speed of 3 mph from a pump stuffer. This was going maybe 25-30 mph then nailing to WFO.


Random Performance
As you're probably aware, you are better off without it.

The extra volume (without the stuffer) is a good thing, especially when making any sort of turn. The only real advantage I have found is that the pump hooks up a bit quicker when landing from a jump. This may or may not be a good thing for you, but I have found that when racing or surf riding, they are more of a hinderance than anything.

Like most things though, it's worth trying just to see what you think...a lot like when you tried the skat swirl prop and found it to work better than expected...;)
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