Putting DAP on Hydroturf


Rider Mod Needed
Catfish, NC
I have a set of lifters I am going to put on my SJ. I am using DAP gel instead of the adhesive that comes on them. I was planning on sanding th turf with 60g and applying the DAP. Good idea? Or should I just clean the turf and apply?

I have a set of lifters I am going to put on my SJ. I am using DAP gel instead of the adhesive that comes on them. I was planning on sanding th turf with 60g and applying the DAP. Good idea? Or should I just clean the turf and apply?


Don't bother sanding. Just stick it on with the crappy self adhesive stuff lightly. Mask around it then take it off. Put the dap on both sides. Then screw each one down with a 2.5" screw with a washer on the end so it won't dig through. Bullet Proof. I was just ripping mine up though and I think I coulda done without the screws. The turf came off the side of the tray before the lifter came off.
i think it stands for the K in laKe..im not too sure tho
all i know is region eight will be Knocking down region seven at nats

im not too sure but idk if i would screw them in as that could be a lil leaky for the foam ya know??

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
actually, before you install, mask off with white masking tape, place lifters where you want them, trace the lifters, then cut out the turf where the lifters are going, glue directly to the ski, not to the turf it self. Did this on my SXR a few years back. Makes them stay on much better, the turf around them keeps them from sliding and pealing off.


Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
actually, before you install, mask off with white masking tape, place lifters where you want them, trace the lifters, then cut out the turf where the lifters are going, glue directly to the ski, not to the turf it self. Did this on my SXR a few years back. Makes them stay on much better, the turf around them keeps them from sliding and pealing off.

Hey BK I hear you do peel off footholds too. Peel Off the Turf and the Footholds Come too.:lmao::dunce:


makin' legs
actually, before you install, mask off with white masking tape, place lifters where you want them, trace the lifters, then cut out the turf where the lifters are going, glue directly to the ski, not to the turf it self. Did this on my SXR a few years back. Makes them stay on much better, the turf around them keeps them from sliding and pealing off.

Can other color tape be used or only white?:scratchchin:


Rider Mod Needed
Catfish, NC
I STILL don't know what LKN stands for.
I guess that is a no. As others said it is Lake Norman. It is only a hour south of me. Only about 10 hours from your driveway if I remember correctly. Pack up and come over, I'll let you ride the SJ.

crammit442 raises a good question. I only have off white tape.
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