The Penguin
triple secret probation
- Location
- down by the river
at least I don't own a JetMatecoucher
at least I don't own a JetMateoke:
at least I don't own a JetMateoke:
Very nice!
Would kitty also like a free ice cream?:Banane19:
or 2.
you would if you could.
what is it with you and ice cream?
I don't even like ice cream that much.
actually, no. but I wouldn't mind owning a Jet-n-Spray since they can be used like a boat (before sunrise/after sunset) because they have lights.
funds won't allow it or I would be looking for one.
Yes, trust him. It is F-Ugly. It was ashame to waste Kitty on it. But at least she does add a touch of class to the poc.:bigok:trust me - it's ugly.