PVC stands


Arlington TX
After making 3 and having them successively break, it was obvious that I should have just bought a folding stand in the first place.

Bought folding stand, never had a problem again. AND I throw my folding stand on a furniture dolly and it doubles as a shop stand. Lines up with the bunks on my trailer and everything.

Sometimes it's worth it to buy the good stuff the first time.

This message brought to you by the guy who bought the good stuff last every time.
After making 3 and having them successively break, it was obvious that I should have just bought a folding stand in the first place.

Bought folding stand, never had a problem again. AND I throw my folding stand on a furniture dolly and it doubles as a shop stand. Lines up with the bunks on my trailer and everything.

Sometimes it's worth it to buy the good stuff the first time.

This message brought to you by the guy who bought the good stuff last every time.
Couldn't of said it better
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