Q&A for a friend... How to remove 650sx Impeller?


- SuperJet Thursday -
He has the pump out already on his 89??? 650 sx and he has a replacement Solas impeller, will he be needing the specail tool, and what is the process? As it stands, the impeller is in the pump, driveshaft out, and the pump is not seperated as of yet.

Thanks for the help,

you will need a spline tool. remove the pump cone from the rear and you can put that in a vice and turn the impeller with the tool. mine was a re real pita to get off. a lot here say to use heat if its stuck, but i didnt have to just a big cheater bar.


makin' legs
Take the cone off of the rear of the pump. Under it you'll see the pump shaft. It has flats that can be clamped in a vice. After that you will need the appropriate wrench for the prop to remove it.
So Cal
If you go to impros.com, there are installation instructions that walk you through each step. In the "Tech info" section.
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