Q about 701 e-box grounds


Grand Rapids, MI
I copied and pasted the MSD Enhancer wire connections below my question here (I copied it from the tech FAQ). My question is why do I have to connect the Start/Stop Switch Black Male to the Stator Black Female if they are ground wires and they are already bolted to a ground post?

Maybe my e-box is mesed up. I don't actually have a male/female, I have a male/male. But either way... is it just a redundant ground connection?


Colored Wires

CDI Orange - Coil Orange
CDI Black - Coil Black
CDI White (Female) - Start/Stop Switch (Male)
CDI White (MALE( - Female/Female Jumper Wire - Stator White/Red (Male) - See Pic Below Jumper may not be needed if using a older CDI
CDI Pink - OverSensor Pink (If you are using it)
CDI Brown - Stator Brown/White - See Pic/Details Below
CDI Red Split:
Male - Solonoid Red (Female)
Female - Fuse Red (Male) - Fuse - Red (Female) - Start/Stop Switch Red(Male) Note - This will be Ting into the RED Start/Stop Wire

Rectifier Green - Stator Green: Doesnt Matter Which
Rectifier Green - Stator Green: Doesnt Matter Which
Rectifier Red (Male) - Start/Stop Switch Red (Female)

Now the grounds...

CDI Black Eyelet/Male - Ground Post - OverHeat Senor (Female) Note - Tape up if not using sensor

Solonoid Black Eyelet - Ground Post
Retifier Black Eyelet - Ground Post
Start/Stop Switch Black Eyelet/Male - Stator Black/Female/Eyelet
A ground is a ground as far as I'm concerned. I just made my CDI ground on the same post as the stator to be sure of a good connection. I had a spare ground on my Advent hook up too because I disconnected the temp probe.
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