Blaster Question about a Waveblaster waterbox

Back in the summer i saw a guy who eliminated his water box completely and 'straight piped' the hoses. He said it was 'snappier' and had a quicker had me thinking, is this something that you totally should not do, or would it cause no harm?
Yes it will do something..............It will cause everyone around you to think your a JERK. there is no benefit to removing the box. If need be you can install a flow control valve to dry the box out and help with bottom end snap but keep the box where it is. Its suppose to be there


freeride junkie
north palm beach
i dont know if it was coincidence or what, but my buddy took his out and ran it straight out, put a rod through the side of the cases first run out. lol besides it is annoyingly loud for everyone else.
Not running a waterbox will not make more power, the pipe needs a certain amount of back pressure to work correctly. What usually happens is some non knowing fool runs his boat without a waterbox and now that it makes more noise, so it must make more power, WRONG!!!!! Now everyone hates jetskis because their loud and so we get banned from another riding spot all because some guy who doesn't know how a jetski two stroke works. If you want the best responce and best power get a gp760 waterbox, but don't kill your power by not running a waterbox.
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