question for folks who are network admins

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So long and thanks for all the fish
With the economy down, more and more companies are going to be cutting costs, which includes Microsoft/etc licensing fees, so Linux should pick up some more.
The problem I see around here anyway is the "professors" can't or don't want to keep up with every little change (silverlite....blah blah blah) so they just keep doing things their way. And no one checks them because no one has a clue what they do anyway.

I have met with and talked to several Profs lately (thinking about going back) and they are kinda out of date IMO. And they kinda know it but they don't really care. They probably realize that a lot of this stuff is gonna be learned on the job considering all of the completely different set ups in the world.


So long and thanks for all the fish
I just took a server 2008/active directory class last week and the instructor was really good. I ended up with 5-6 pages of stuff on my 'to do/change' list for my network/users.
Yea any specific classes for new software are good here as well. Its just that some of the "programs" they develop are behind and changing them is rough I guess. At least that is what a prof told me.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
The problem I see around here anyway is the "professors" can't or don't want to keep up with every little change (silverlite....blah blah blah) so they just keep doing things their way. And no one checks them because no one has a clue what they do anyway.

That has a lot to do with the books they're using. When I was going to school, they were still using RH9 as a testbed even though Fedora was out for a year or more before then.

Adopting new books into the curriculum isn't cheap.
Are you being serious because I am starting to think of you as a douchebag.

I didn't need those classes to be a better human.

Typical. Any time you're challenged you result to insults.

Oh no, my community college is requiring me to take classes that will cultivate myself and allow me to see the world through a different perspective.

Down with general education. Bring back the good ole' days of ignorance and specializations!


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
That is exactly what I'm talking about! Who cares! How is this going help me as a network admin?:261:

U have to crawl before you can walk.

They're going to build on that. Just be patient. The cool (and harder) stuff is coming.

I absolutely HATED community college. I could have taught all the classes, they were so easy.
The thing I had to keep reminding myself is not everyone has the knowledge/experience I had.

You sound like the same way. It sucks having to learn as slow as everyone else, but it's the only way the class can progress as a whole. Even then, I'll guarantee atleast 1 person's going to fall behind.


Lexington, KY
That is exactly what I want to get into! I could give two chits about designing websites and javascript. I want to build, install, and maintain all of the gear associated with the network.

I had to take a bunch of programming classes in college too, but that was 15 years ago. They're just trying to make you more rounded. Colleges do teach topics that are a little behind, and it's mainly because of money. Most of the stuff I know was self taught. If you're getting into the IT field you need to have the discipline to keep up with current technology and trends. I have my CCNP, and I'm trying to study for my CCIE. I may just keep re-certifying the CCNP though.

X2 on the Linux suggestion. There are alot of open source network tools out there, and you can save a ton of money. In my experience the network is kinda 'out of sight, out of mind' to CIOs. As long as it's working they won't give you much money to improve it.
Typical. Any time you're challenged you result to insults.

That implies that I find you challenging which as of yet I do not. I just think you come across as a douchebag in your posts. Not really an insult so much as a legitimate observation.

I live in the hood (and even more so in college) so I don't need to be forced to pay for classes to teach me about black people and "their" religion.
That implies that I find you challenging which as of yet I do not. I just think you come across as a douchebag in your posts. Not really an insult so much as a legitimate observation.

I live in the hood (and even more so in college) so I don't need to be forced to pay for classes to teach me about black people and "their" religion.

Hah. This is textbook.

Now you're onto semantics.


Анархия - мать порядка!
uh oh Mat...don't get him going on his "semantics" rant :biggrin::dead1:


Dave Barry said:
I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me.


Анархия - мать порядка!

Were you trying to be funny?
The word "yawn" is copyrighted. It belongs to me.
Simply wanted to give you some clue, but I believe the attempt was useless.
Live your life like you want, keep reading Nietzsche and keep dreaming of being das Übermensch. You aren't one, just want to let you know.
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