Super Jet quick disconnect battery

Hi, anyone using or ever used the quick disconnect for the battery terminals instead of boting them with screws? I'm using total loss system and found it very useful to disconnect the - and + wires when not riding but its not as tight as bolting with screws. I'm afraid it may cause some spark when riding since it's not as tight as bolting down with screws.
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Epoxy is my duct tape
I bought the quick disconnects last year and never used them because I didn't think they are secure enough, just my thoughts
That's what I think, not secured enough especially when riding. But ATP total loss system will slowly drain the battery even not by much but they recommend me to disconnect the battery when not in use. So using the screw will be troublesome for me cause I'm kinda lazy lol


Epoxy is my duct tape
That's what I think, not secured enough especially when riding. But ATP total loss system will slowly drain the battery even not by much but they recommend me to disconnect the battery when not in use. So using the screw will be troublesome for me cause I'm kinda lazy lol

You could try just connecting the negative to a disconnect or install a switch on the negative side


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
Site Supporter
Largo, Fl
good quick disconnects work fine for batteries if you choose to go that route. makes for easy battery swaps too.


Polish jet pilot

Warsaw, Poland
I used them for 2 seasons. Were not too tight, but I put rubber straps over them from my battery box and they were ok. Now using the old screw method and I think it is better.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Tbaer put a set in his surf SJ last year but I don't think he rode more than a couple times last season. I should call and ask how they look today and of he'd do it again.

Pretty sure he got them from JSS...

If they are anything like the quick connect studs that JSS sells for the ebox then I would not run them in salt water. I had a set a couple years ago and they were way more of a hassle than they ever were convenient and they ruined more than one day on the water.
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Trying to get upside down
I run these on my skis, both the Superjet and X2. I run only in fresh-water. The terminals on the ones I use are silver-plated. There is no risk what so ever that they would accidentaly disconnect (well if the battery would come loose and bounce around they might, but then I'd say you have bigger issues...). I have beem running these for 5 season, I really like these.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
That sounds so simple yet when the corrosion seeps out the back under the cover of the dielectric grease and makes a path back to ground via the finger throttle and your right arm, you quickly decide that the juice just isn't worth the squeeze.

In salt water, the fewer the exposed connections, the lesser maintenance you have to do between rides and less chance of something little ruining your day.

That is why you cover with Dielectric Grease like Gil slathering on some KY.

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
Just cut your ring terminals into spade terminals. That way you don't have to remove the bolt to disconnect, just loosen it. Best of all, it's free and just as reliable.
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