Race ski to freestyle ski


RN Surgery... soon
I would think that the current configuration is going to be more reliable than anything the average rider will whip out in order to create a "reliable freestyle engine".

I'm referring to, sealing the ski up to prevent water intake due to the fact that its a surf ski...

O.K we just took the ski out with the single 48 novi and the B-pipe but it is way too lean, it has 95gm spring, 2.3 needle, 140 main and 145 pilot.
I wound out the screws and it was better but needs rejetting.
We are at sea level and 20 celcius.
Do we need to ditch the reverse jetting? anyone have any suggestions on jetting specs?



Thats quite an engine you have there, if it was working good on twins I honestly don't see why you want to switch but if you must you need to up your main jet, put a restrictor in the return line and make sure the inlet manifold is up to the job.
Thanks Chris, we put a 165 main in it and drilled the pilot jet out to 2mm with 2.5 needle and 115gm spring and return jet. It was better but still leaned out at wot, so we have given up and are going back to the twin carbs that were on it with the m16 reeds. Will post some pics for you soon.


Race Gas Rules
Clearwater Fl.
From what I see... Why did you go to the 115 gram spring if you say you needed fuel you should have stayed with the 95 gram spring and just change the n&s to the 2.5?
Nothing like leaning out the fuel curve by taking away the fuel pressure.
Go back to the duals if they were setup for this engine as it's obvious that you don't know enough about tuning watercraft pumper carbs...
From what I see... Why did you go to the 115 gram spring if you say you needed fuel you should have stayed with the 95 gram spring and just change the n&s to the 2.5?
Nothing like leaning out the fuel curve by taking away the fuel pressure.
Go back to the duals if they were setup for this engine as it's obvious that you don't know enough about tuning watercraft pumper carbs...

Exactly. hence the reason for posting here!!!!

Thats the jetting a couple of guys here are running in their riva bomb carbs and its working for them.
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