Other racist posts on the X

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WOW!!....What happen to growing up learning "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"??? Can I get a guinea pig for my daughter or is that "racist" towards italians??? So the "N" bomb got dropped, if your so offended go on to the next post. Nobody was burning a cross in your front yard or forcing you to sit in the back of the bus! There's $hit on tv you won't like either, are you complaining toi the broadcast companies too??


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WOW!!....What happen to growing up learning "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"??? Can I get a guinea pig for my daughter or is that "racist" towards italians??? So the "N" bomb got dropped, if your so offended go on to the next post. Nobody was burning a cross in your front yard or forcing you to sit in the back of the bus! There's $hit on tv you won't like either, are you complaining toi the broadcast companies too??

I don't have time to reply to you in depth but there is good reason WHY the American people as a society are LOST. Some/most of you will never understand this because you have a veil of "Freedom and Diversity" over your eyes.....


Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I didn't either, growing up in a suburban white neighborhood. I now teach in the inner city and have lots of them in coleagues and students. They are some of the most fun people you will ever be around.

Our school system use to be set up where every 6th grader goes to the same school. 7th grade you went to a different school, 8th, same thing.......... I grew up going to school with people from all walks of life. One thing I learned about black people, If you ever needed someone to get your back, you could count on them, no so with your "white" friends............ I work with several African Americans. I totally enjoy working with them. Heck, one of them gets referred to as Izzy's Uncle. He comes in and asks how his Niece is doing.


Having a VISION!
For me, I hate censorship. If you hear someone say it in public you simply ignore or remove yourself from that person.
Same should be the same for all. Also what ever happened to the collective demeaning such actions. That would have stopped it.

It shouldn't have been typed due to respect but if it was, you atlleast know where that persons beliefs/standards stand.

Respect should be given to all....especially stand up riders !


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
WOW!!....What happen to growing up learning "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"??? Can I get a guinea pig for my daughter or is that "racist" towards italians??? So the "N" bomb got dropped, if your so offended go on to the next post. Nobody was burning a cross in your front yard or forcing you to sit in the back of the bus! There's $hit on tv you won't like either, are you complaining toi the broadcast companies too??

Actually, it's their forum, which kind of makes this their yard. If they don't want your hypothetical cross burning in their yard, they have the right to ask you to leave.

Rather than complaining they asked you nicely to respect their wishes on their property, you should thank them for not just throwing you all out.

I don't see how this is a debate. How can people complain about over moderation while they are allowed to freely complain about something that was clear and non-negotiable? That's pretty lax moderation in my opinion.

X-h2o.com is not public property. Free speech doesn't blanket apply here. In either case, it's pretty ignorant to argue against anti-racism rules that will be as lax as every other rule on this forum. If it were my forum, I would have already handed out several infractions in this thread alone. Put down the poking sticks and leave the mods be. Glad I'm not a mod.


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Cleveland Ohio
Its a private website. Some on here love to argue and would pounce on anyone complaining...and would make a huge deal out of it. I think the correct method is being done. Some censorship/moderation is needed in order to keep the site from being a complete nightmare and it is a delicate balance. I am on about 5 different forums for different interests, this one is ran the best out of any I have ever seen. When it was ran a little 'looser' we lost a ton of pro riders and companies that used to post on here. They have slowly started to come back. These kind of posts will make them run for the hills.

It is basically being kept TV pg-13 friendly so all can enjoy it. No reason to let a few keyboard cowboys tear up the place.

Everyone is always able to start up their OWN Stand-Up Jetski site and run it with no censorship. I am sure you could even promote it here with no complaints from the mods. THAT is pretty laid back, if you ask me.
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I wonder why....

I live in a town that is white. Went to school as a kid there were no colored kids in the schools or town. Does that make me a racist to you???? I dont see what your getting at. should I seek out a colored friend? lol?? Hell, im a pretty damn friendly person if you ask me, Dont have a problem talking to anybody in person.


...chaos? Its Fair!
I live in a town that is white. Went to school as a kid there were no colored kids in the schools or town. Does that make me a racist to you???? I dont see what your getting at. should I seek out a colored friend? lol?? Hell, im a pretty damn friendly person if you ask me, Dont have a problem talking to anybody in person.

Pm'ed you


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
WOW!!....What happen to growing up learning "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"??? Can I get a guinea pig for my daughter or is that "racist" towards italians??? So the "N" bomb got dropped, if your so offended go on to the next post. Nobody was burning a cross in your front yard or forcing you to sit in the back of the bus! There's $hit on tv you won't like either, are you complaining toi the broadcast companies too??

This isn't public property, it's not broadcast TV, and it's not YOUR front yard. Most adults in a professional environment are quite used to speaking civilly to one another and not dropping racial epithets very casually at every corner. If this is offensive to you, I don't know what to tell you.
If you don't like the rules on this forum provided to you at no cost, please - LEAVE
If you want an environment where you can casually drop racial slurs left and right, maybe try your local bar or 4chan. This is not the place

It his horribly shameful that this "rule" has to be pointed out to "adults" to begin with.
End of story. Racial slurs are against site rules and will be acted upon.
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