Freestyle Rad Dude River Ride Saturday May 24th, CT River, Come ride!

Rad Dude River Ride Saturday May 24th, CT River, Come ride!
We do this every year and its a blast. We know with the holiday weekend people have parties on sunday and monday. So take Saturday and come Ride the River!!!

Rad Dudes River Ride! That’s right boys come down for a day of fun river riding. We are meeting at our local drop in on the CT River (Glastonbury CT) Sunday morning at noon.
-500 Tryon St Glastonbury, CT 06073
This is a open farm right across the Street from a road call Duffords Landing. It’s a dirt road that you drive down to the water. It’s free! Everywhere else is $25-$35
Here is a map

Bring gas jugs and food because we are going down river to “The Island” for a day of riding. We will have boats and big skis to haul your gas. We will have Beer all free from the Rad Dudes.

The Ride area

Just make sure your ski is registered and you have a boating license. There are no cops in our island ride area but ""I have to say it.""
theres a group of guys about 6 stand ups and a few x2s that ride silver lake in berlin almost every sunday too but i think we will try to make this trip sounds like a good time


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
More rides like this should happen. Non-sponsor event, just show up and have fun. Wish I was closer.
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