Rager Date?

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We will be watching

Ran BL this week. Two nice days out in the 15 footers.

Would do a weekend trip for this. Let us know and let us know if there's a $, as there always is for skiing.



Ran BL this week. Two nice days out in the 15 footers.

Would do a weekend trip for this. Let us know and let us know if there's a $, as there always is for skiing.


I was there all day sat... who are you Speedlaw? you the guy on the Octane ?

and the surf was maybe a foot or two over head... :bigok:

and Rager is not happening this year...
thats what I heard.. person that said they would do it LIED !


Theres more to it than that. The dirt lot that is at the spot of the previous years was bought by someone. They will not allow anything of the sort to happen there again. I was told there were plans on moving it to a different spot, whether it be brick beach or whatever. Not sure though since i have nothing to do with it but just what I heard.


aka Kathy
I was there all day sat... who are you Speedlaw? you the guy on the Octane ?

and the surf was maybe a foot or two over head... :bigok:

and Rager is not happening this year...
thats what I heard.. person that said they would do it LIED !

Noone knows better than us Georgia crew how difficult it is when you lose your location that you have depended on for (3) years. We worked countless hours (as a team) to find another place to host the "Lanier" Ride. Our hard work payed off with the new place at Altoona!

Instead of throwing insults, maybe working together to find a new spot would be better...... As we all know - Freerides are HARD WORK! We were blessed to have a dozen people working together to make ours so successful! Hang in there! Maybe something will come up! I for one would hate to see the Jersey Rager not happen!!!

Just a suggestion of course :cool:
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What I think is total BS is that Amhurst was supposed to be doing it, and I have had offers to the day from Lacey powersports and 247 to PAY for the permits for everyone with the town... But since she wont post and you guys just want it to DIE rather than be in someone elses hands is complete garbage...

I could give two craps who puts it on.. Freerides are not Owned...
Anyone can do it if put in time and money.

Just upsets me that its only one wayed... Drives me nuts..
I dont have the time or money... I dont have enough for gas money
most weekends, so I would still like to see it hapen and there is
people willing to throw out cash....
Lacey and Paul had beef, Lacey and Rudy, rudy and paul, lacey and 247.
Basically everyone has beef but most are willing to still work together.

But if you read in the posts, Paul would rather have it Die than go in someone else hands... Its not mine or his, and I have put more time and money in for rager than anyone.. x10.. I have also pitched in to many other freerides...

I just f_ckin sick of this bullshiot !


If you want out? Then do the respectful thing & let it Die...........
I started it several years ago, I gave it to you as a friend & felt it would be in good hands............. Dig deep into your concience & do the right thing!

seee :lightning:


Please dont take this as I dont like you and Paul...
I just dont like that it has to be your control...
You cant do it... I cant do it... so why not make some
peace with other companies and all grow together.

I am just wasting my time I feel.. again. :pat:


aka Kathy
What I think is total BS is that Amhurst was supposed to be doing it, and I have had offers to the day from Lacey powersports and 247 to PAY for the permits for everyone with the town... But since she wont post and you guys just want it to DIE rather than be in someone elses hands is complete garbage...

I could give two craps who puts it on.. Freerides are not Owned...
Anyone can do it if put in time and money.

Just upsets me that its only one wayed... Drives me nuts..
I dont have the time or money... I dont have enough for gas money
most weekends, so I would still like to see it hapen and there is
people willing to throw out cash....
Lacey and Paul had beef, Lacey and Rudy, rudy and paul, lacey and 247.
Basically everyone has beef but most are willing to still work together.

But if you read in the posts, Paul would rather have it Die than go in someone else hands... Its not mine or his, and I have put more time and money in for rager than anyone.. x10.. I have also pitched in to many other freerides...

I just f_ckin sick of this bullshiot !

What the heck is this????

My post was intended (maybe you need to reread) to encourage you guys to keep looking and giving a little insight about what we had to go through when we lost our site at Lanier.....

Jeez...... After all the hard work that I personally do for the freerides..... More than just for the "Lanier" ride.......I certainly didn't deserve this...... :shock::disappointed::disappointed:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Please dont take this as I dont like you and Paul...
I just dont like that it has to be your control...
You cant do it... I cant do it... so why not make some
peace with other companies and all grow together.

I am just wasting my time I feel.. again. :pat:
I thought Joann Crosley was working on this............ Paul and Kathy are not involved in this at all........... Why does a "Company" have to be envolved???? last time I checked freerides were supposed to be about friends getting together to ride and hang out.......... Why do you have to spend money to help plan something??? I never have and have planned or helped plan the Lanier ride since 2003.


I thought Joann Crosley was working on this............ Paul and Kathy are not involved in this at all........... Why does a "Company" have to be envolved???? last time I checked freerides were supposed to be about friends getting together to ride and hang out.......... Why do you have to spend money to help plan something??? I never have and have planned or helped plan the Lanier ride since 2003.

You show up in jersey to ride with 20 peeps without a permit and see what happens...
Law reads that NO PWC shall be lauched off any beach in seaside..
Last year I got personally yelled at by the cheif of police...

So without companies forkin cash for permit.. No Rager.
Or rager in the flatwater in another town ! :buttkick:


Ride for life
North NJ
I have to say I'm disapointed in Joann not following through with the Rager.
If she was having problems getting a site or something she should have posted about it.
I really hope Mark (24/7) or Lacey powersports or R rated steps up to do something. The Rager is more for the out of towners than the locals. We ride BL or Corsons almost every weekend but it's nice to get a big group out to go ride.
If nothing happens with the rager. I think an outlaw ride should be set up. No sponsors, food, or bs just a date to meet to ride at BL or corsons.


I have to say I'm disapointed in Joann not following through with the Rager.
If she was having problems getting a site or something she should have posted about it.
I really hope Mark (24/7) or Lacey powersports or R rated steps up to do something. The Rager is more for the out of towners than the locals. We ride BL or Corsons almost every weekend but it's nice to get a big group out to go ride.
If nothing happens with the rager. I think an outlaw ride should be set up. No sponsors, food, or bs just a date to meet to ride at BL or corsons.

oR THIS.. GOOD IDEA SCORN ! :notworthy::fing02:


I have to say I'm disapointed in Joann not following through with the Rager.
If she was having problems getting a site or something she should have posted about it.
I really hope Mark (24/7) or Lacey powersports or R rated steps up to do something. The Rager is more for the out of towners than the locals. We ride BL or Corsons almost every weekend but it's nice to get a big group out to go ride.
If nothing happens with the rager. I think an outlaw ride should be set up. No sponsors, food, or bs just a date to meet to ride at BL or corsons.

For the past couple of weeks, Sundays at 24/7 have been getting bigger. We started with a couple people, then this past weekend we had about 20 and are expecting even more next weekend. It's really great getting to meet all of the riders and riding skis with motors from different builders.

I agree with Scorn800 that something should have been stated earlier of things weren't going as planned. I first met a lot of you guys at the Asbury Park ride when Joe Kenney was there. I bet Asbury Park would allow us beach access as they are a growing community and would welcome the associated hotel and restaurant business.

The other alternative is getting a huge group together right at 24/7. They have a huge piece of property. The riding spot in the Bay isn't quite like the surf (it does have a lot of huge cruisers though), but 24/7 could be set up as the main base and then groups could make runs to Barnegat Light or Manasquan surf points. Just a thought.


Somebody shout me and tell me where the Beer is... :bananapowerslide:

I dont care where or when !

Hey all NJ crew... :birthday:

Mrs. Pancake

Beach Bunny
Toms River, NJ
I dont get why people are making a big deal at the fact that the rager is not happening. Joann never should of offered to take over if she cant do it. And like plenty of people have said we need permits now. Pete and I dont have that kind of cash for permits. So if another company wants the job then thats great. We dont care.

I dont understand why everything is such a big deal.

All the jersey guys are totally fine riding every weekend in bl or marks or wherever.

So if we could all get move on with the fact that there is no rager that would be great.


Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
You show up in jersey to ride with 20 peeps without a permit and see what happens...
Law reads that NO PWC shall be lauched off any beach in seaside..
Last year I got personally yelled at by the cheif of police...

So without companies forkin cash for permit.. No Rager.
Or rager in the flatwater in another town ! :buttkick:

So dont have it at Seaside, move it to where you ride the surf normally....... Corsons or where ever............

We did not even ride at Lanier, had to pic a different lake all together...........

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
If seaside will not issue a permit this year, how is that Joann's fault??? Didnt Guiness already say that the dirt lot that has been used in the past has been sold and cannot be used?? Wouldnt that make it impossible for that location??
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