Custom/Hybrid raider pipe in a blaster


annddddd were walkin..
long island
hey all, I just got my hands on my first blaster and it has everything but a motor in it. I have a running 62t out of a raider adn was wondering what needs to be done or if anyone has put a waveraider exhaust into a blaster 1. I was told the raider pipe is pretty good and if i dont have to buy a new one right now it would be awesome.
Yes it's an excellent pipe and the 62T/62T is the best twin platform for the B1.. You'll need to run a rear waterbox (out the Raider) and punch through the firewall. It's not a biggie and well worth the effort.
Are you not planning on a 90' on the end of it and straight through the firewall and into a rear water box and then out the back? Always try and shorterned the the exhaust run. The longer the run the more resistance in the pipe and the more power you loose..
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