rant about couchers

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havin fun
clearwater FL
luckily the guy on the honda will spend as much time waxing and professing the greatness of his ski as he will ride it, you won't see a whole lot of him.


Speak up ,don't kiss azz
I've seen my share of stupidity on both sides standup and coucher.
I actually enjoy riding couches in big surf .
Sounds like you need to put the smack down Charlie :hitwithrock:

Worst thing that ever happened at my surf launch was when about 100 french canadiens got off a fishing boat and decided to gut their fish RIGHT ON THE RAMP . This is illegal of course and the cops were quickly called but the damage was done already with blood and guts everywhere .
^^^^I had the SAME thing happen last year.. Got to the ramp and there were fish guts EVERYWHERE. They were floating 50ft around the dock. Nasty business. I didn't get the pleasure of meeting the guys who did it though. Too bad.


some standup riders arnt any better..like the three kooks on sjs and blasters using surfers as a buoy course yesterday in 15ft surf...the blaster kid almost got smashed into the rocks..wish he had...
I guess I will start riding irresponsibly on my Waverunner since, as usual, every couch rider gets lumped into the same group! I might as well right???

There are never any stand-up riders that are dangerous, stupid, irresponsible.....I mean it is the nature of just being on a stand-up that raises IQ, consideration and knowledge...right!!!!!!

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
No, but it all too often seems that the newbies are on couches and are extra stupid sometimes. It's rare to find someone that's a complete newb on a standup. It happens, but it's rare. They usually have some experience under their belt by the time they get to a standup.

I don't blame you for getting tired about being lumped in with the newbie/rental idiots. I would get tired of it, too, but a standup rider is usually more vulnerable to being bashed by a couch than the other way around, generally.
There are never any stand-up riders that are dangerous, stupid, irresponsible.....I mean it is the nature of just being on a stand-up that raises IQ, consideration and knowledge...right!!!!!!

Yep. If I am not focused on riding then I fall over, I don't go careening into someone like a 800lb supercharged out of control missile.

Couches are too easy to ride. So easy that people put their 9 yr old kids on them and let them go. No concern for safety or others. Where I live the worst ones are on Yamaha VX110's. The ones on older 2 strokes usually have enough experience or are worried about a break down enough that they don't want to make anyone mad (because they might need a tow).

Here are some typical couch riders from here.

YouTube - Couple On Jet Ski Catch Major Air Over Flooded Spillway

And I am not saying that there are not dangerous people out there on heavier, faster, easier to ride sit-downs. However, just remember that there are a few of us on here that ride couches, who are very conscious of what we do on the water.

PS. Many of us have given many of you a tow in as well <grin>. We do provide valuable service at times!!!
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I ride both. I have a 99 SPX that I enjoy taking out on weekends where we are hitting larger lakes and I just want to cruise. Then I have a couple Waveblaster 1's that are for more of the "playing around" times..then there is the SJ. I have seen stupid riders on both sides of the game(how many stories have I heard about people ziptying their lanyards and the standup going out of control?). You have this in every sport. For streetbikes, its always the Harley riders that you see out that never wave at you and treat you like punks...for them its those damn crotch rockets that have no respect.

Simple fact is..get over it. No matter what you do you are always going to have those people that act like fools. No need to make another rant..im sure there are already plenty of these on here. Instead of laughing, try to help them. They feel just as dumb as they look when things happen and a helping hand may someday get them to the point where they have enough knowledge and experience to help others out in the same way.
i learned on a stand up back in the late 80s on a 450 kawi working on getting anotherone but funs-a-low rite know hopeing to have one soon but till then im stuck with my couch for know but i can ride stand up


What! What!
I cannot quote you exact statistics, but I feel pretty confident in this observation. The majority of stand up riders own and ride their own machines. A significant percentage of sit down riders do not. Inexperienced riders on fast heavy machines without the skills to fully control them, or even the knowledge of the potential danger they pose are a problem for us all. Again, I cannot quote you statistics, but from the accidents that I have observed on the water, the vast majority involved non-owners riding someone else's skis.
One big diff 'tween stand ups and sit downs is the speed to skill ratio. By the time you get good enough to get to wide open speeds on a standup, you've gotten a few hours of experience under your belt. With a sitdown, it's sit on one for the first time, grab a hand full of throttle and become a 60+ mph projectile all before you even realize they don't have brakes!

The other downside is that the main enjoyment (or so it seems) on a sitdown is the speed, where as on a standup it's finesse and skill and hence, less dangerous to others.

All things being equal (experience, speed, common sense) they're about the same. It just seems more rare to see this combination on the average sitdown.

And to just make things even better..............I just went to the A.C. Boat show and the big buzz in teh sitdown world now is........(drum roll please)........cruise control!!!! Now that's dangerous!!!!!
I just finished reading the new issue of watercraft world and it talked about cruise control on the sitdowns. And from what i read it seem that you hit a button once you are at the speed you want Then as long as the throttle is pulled at all, the engine will continue to put out the same rpms. put you if you take your hand off the throttle the engine will go back to idle.


local jackass
Cleveland Ohio
i dont care for hondas much... seem to breed assholes...me on my b1 and my buddy on his hx got attacked by some kids on new hondas telling us our ski;s look fast and we need to race them. Mind you we were trying to relax w/ engines off just floating as they circled us spinning out and such. needless to say we both got rolled over and i was pissed.....if you;ve ever tryed to nap and enjoy a nice day on the little seat of a b1 or a hx you understand what i mean...it takes ya 10 mins to find a good position without rolling over....bastards!!!


R.I.P. 11/27/2008

maybe i should start carrying one on my ski. hmmmm...

yesterday's couchers were as follows:

a group of the yellow GTI's hauling ass back and forth all day. one of which had two dudes that were leaning WAY forward, thereby HEAVILY spooning. these guys were the least of the problems.

next, it was a guy on a yellow 97 xp with the funky seat..... he almost t-boned our friend on his 06 SJ..... thats right... you guessed it..... he just HAD to ride where we were riding and then decided to let the boy on the back of his ski distract him. im glad i didnt have to rush any bodies back to the ramp! it was CLOSE!!!!!

THEN.... at the end of the day, a MORON with 2 hondas on a triton aluminum trailer pulled by a lil' hoopty ZOOMS back and forth in front of the ramp while were loading our skis/jetmate, making them shake, rattle and roll all over the ramp and dock. that idiot caught an earful from me, he nodded his head and left the ramp area. then, of course he had to back in, leave his hoopty blocking the ramp, to test the other couch, after dark, with no life jacket. come to find out that he JUST LEFT THE DEALER and this was his first time ever on a PWC.

i swear im going to shoot someone one day.:scratchchin:

put the car or truck on neutral and release the safety break close the door then walk away.


R.I.P. 11/27/2008
worse for me is when using my Surfjet and some moron riding a couch circle around me or come to close. even when I wave to them to get the doughnut away they still come around.
what pisses me off the most is when the water cops are giving me $h*t for doing subs and stuff while 100 yards away there's some idiot fresh from the dealer, doing sweet donuts 3 feet from the dock. In the words of Daniel Tosh, "It's all throttle, people smile even as they hit the pier. Because you forget to gas a turn it goes against your natural instincts. Some of you aren't laughing, we all miss your cousin, but he's dead for a reason. He was a show off. and he was trying to spray us."

Most of them will eventually either learn (or die) from their own mistakes. Labor day last year a guy started his raider in about 3 inches of water. Their was a huge nasty crunching sound and he was clueless to anything. Came back 2 minutes later and had no idea what was wrong with his ski.
I really hate others when they get in "MY" way, especially when they're on a couch, or in a boat, or fishing. Cant they see that Im on a standup! I like to think that we are doing better overall but as a group we still have a long way to go before we can point fingers.
I really hate others when they get in "MY" way, especially when they're on a couch, or in a boat, or fishing. Cant they see that Im on a standup! I like to think that we are doing better overall but as a group we still have a long way to go before we can point fingers.

f this 'group' chit!

as an individual, its my right to point out blatant stupidity where and when it occurs.
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