Super Jet Rdrttoy's 2008 Super Jet Build

High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
Well I finally jumped on the bandwagon, I got sick of being told "buy a super jet", so I finally bought this 2008 super jet. It came torn apart because it lost compression in the rear cylinder. Luckily it came with a handful of mods such as factory limited pipe, msd enhancer, blowsion pump cone, blowsion head, flame arresters, handlebars ect. My original plan was to simply fix the motor and reinforce the hull. Sounded simple enough, however it never goes as planned... So now my simple project has become a complete rebuild from top to bottom. Here is the ski right after I bought it. View attachment 209672View attachment 209673View attachment 209674So I started tearing into it. You know, gotta get things done, and thats when I started finding all of the cool surprises. IMG_0481.jpgIMG_0482.jpgIMG_0494.jpgIMG_0497.jpgAnd then I found this. . . which was followed by a handful of curse words. IMG_0496.jpgSince I knew my tray had water in it, I decided to weigh my ski because I was determined to remove the water. IMG_0548.jpgSo the bare hull weighed 115 pounds. I was guessing at least 10 of that was waterlogged foam and another 3 pounds was the massive amounts of green glue they used at the factory. So then I decided I better get to work. I wanted to reinforce the hull for some abuse so I began sanding the engine bay because I needed something to do while I was waiting for parts and supplies to show up. IMG_0550.jpg Don't worry the destruction will begin soon.

High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
Ok. . . Time for and update. Everyone loves updates.
So it has been confirmed that my tray has quite a bit of water in it. While I was sanding the engine bay water was running out of the bulkhead.IMG_0573.jpgIMG_0574.jpgI also finished removing the green glue out of the engine bay and finished sanding the nose.IMG_0571.jpg
Then I sanded the cracks on the sides and filled them in with some thickened resin. To thicken the resin I used cabosil and some chopped strand for extra strength. IMG_0570.jpgAfter seeing all of the messed up stuff with my hull I decided to have it media blasted so I could see everything and I mean everything. My plan sounded good on paper but its actually turning into a huge pain in the azz like when it comes to prepping for paint. But it was still cool to see a super jet that was bare glass. IMG_0594.jpgIMG_0637.jpgIMG_0638.jpgIMG_0652.jpg
Then I drew out my plan of attack. . .IMG_0678.jpg

High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
To cut out the tray I used a die grinder with a cut off wheel and because I had footholds already installed the tray had to come out in 3 pieces. Next was the fun part, removing the foam. I used a flat blade hole saw bit. It actually worked really well and it only took me about 1/2 an hour to get the majority of the foam and water out. I dragged the bit across the foam so it would tear it up rather than use it do drill out the foam. I also used a shop vac to keep the mess controled. IMG_0680.jpgIMG_0681.jpgIMG_0682.jpgIMG_0684.jpgIMG_0685.jpg

After removing the major chunks I used a wire wheel on the drill to remove all of the foam that was stuck to the tray. IMG_0716.jpg

I also noticed that the side of my ski was delaminated a bit from being abused. I'ts kinda sad that this is a 2008, I would hate to see what older skis look like.IMG_0714.jpg

After about an hour of work I got the foam and swamp water removed but it still smelled like crap. I eventually used some soap and bleach to clean out the ski. Once I cleaned everything up I could see how much green glue was all over the place. The next step was to remove all of that. I actually removed about 25 pounds from the ski when I did all of this to the tray.IMG_0691.jpg

As of now I actually have my ski completed and I actually rode it for the first time last weekend. I can say I absoluteley love the ski. I have just been to lazy to update this thread. I still have like 200 more pictures that need to be uploaded. lol


Seattle, WA
Get to uploading! Want updates on the build. Looks good so far. It's a damn shame this boat had to go through such a beating before you saved it.


Yo hablo ingles
lol. I remember Roger mentioning to me that you had the thing media blasted. I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time.

High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
Media blasting sounded great on paper. But it made the fiberglass super rough and really uneven. There is a ton of filler used at the factory to cover up all sorts of blemishes before it gets painted. Unfortunately I removed all of that and I spent like 2 weeks sanding and another 2 weeks to get it painted.
Here is a completed picture. I'll try and update more tonight.


Arlington TX
I was scrolling through your pics and saw the bare hull and I said to myself "Did he really remove all the gelcoat?" LOL... yep!

Sucks that you had to do all that extra work but the finished product looks amazing... Did you weigh it after you were done?

High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
I planned on weighing the ski tonight. I already have some weights so far
all weights are without hood, pole and other stuff.
I'll get a rtr weight tonight.

Yes that is my dad's Grand National :) he doesn't let me drive it :( Last time I drove it was to my prom which was 3 years ago.

High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
Did you use a high build primer to help with the uneven spots it just more filler and lots if sanding ?

I used a high build primer with a little bit of filler in some areas. It was mostly a :):):):) load of sanding. If you want more paint tips just email blowsion. I emailed them and they told me everything that they do, and all of the products that they use when they paint skis. Like I pretty much got everything down to part numbers, but they asked me to not share any of that info. So sorry about that. Just email them. I think their paint guy is named John. He's a super helpful dude.

High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
Rtr 390 pounds ;(

But that's stock hood, heavier pole, big battery, full thank of gas, and reinforce like a mofo.
You will see the reinforcement later. I used almost 3 gallons of resin on this build.

High Speed Industries

Your one stop shop for quality parts @highspeedind
Yea. As bad as 390 seems I'm used to riding a sxi pro that weighed 375. Not a huge difference and my buddies 96 sj is 365 ready to ride so I'm not too upset. But it's reinforced like a mofo. I'll try to get some more updates tomorrow.
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