Read if you have problems with sinus backage sinus infections


just one more part....
costa mesa ca

use caution when using any med for an extented period of time cause it can be harmful your body comes amune to it or somthing. i dno

i dont think i get nasal blockage from riding in surf but i could be wrong,

it also helps to keep your head up wile watching tv or sleeping keep it elivated and the nasal area stays clear doing this as we speak.

i go to the ear nose and throat guy tomarow to see what he says im sure they will do x rays or ct or camera to check it out

i could be allergic to pollen or dust or mold so i can test that tomarow to.

ill keep in touch
It's called "Lake Flu' Sudafed in the red box clears it up....
Just half polluted water getting into your sinuses.


havin fun
clearwater FL
careful on the afrin- you become dependent and eventually its a spary every few hours to keep clear. it works awesome but is for short term use. claritin and flonase or nasonex and one other I can't remember. sinuses suck!!!


Анархия - мать порядка!
careful on the afrin- you become dependent and eventually its a spary every few hours to keep clear. it works awesome but is for short term use. claritin and flonase or nasonex and one other I can't remember. sinuses suck!!!
Exactly. Do not use afrin for more than seven days in a row.
Cortizon steroids (nasonex, nasacort, etc.) may or may not work, not recommended for the prolonged use.
Pseudoephedrine (sudafed, etc) could be dangerous because they raise blood pressure.
Pure antihistamines in small doses, like allegra, 60mg a day (180mg is a max) seem to do pretty good job.

Fro Diesel

creative control
i am on the allegra kick 180mg a day.

but if i have problems, i just do a line off some hookers tits and i am good to go

j/k afrin when its bad

Midlake Crisis

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Bakersfield, CA
I just tried this saline rinse for the first time, feels good when your applying it but now I feel pretty dried out. Time will tell if it helps the constant post nasal drip. I live with mild to moderate allergy symptoms pretty much year round.
I also take Allegra and double up on lake days right before I hit the water, it does seem to help prevent an acute attack from the lake water.
i ride somtimes and also am alergic to some things. i had a blocked sinus felt like the nose had to be blowed but nothing came out.
if this pretains to you then buy sinucleanse its 14.99 at most rite aids or cvs

its great it unglogs you passageways and clears you up.

think of salt away. and flushing the engine. same stuff just warm water with salt in it.

just my 2 cents

So you openly admit you bought a $15 dollar bottle of salt water?! :cool2:

Im going to try the allergy meds this year as previously "suffer" has been the solution LOL


one could just buy generic saline nasal spray for like $2.50.

zyrtec went generic just recently , so almost the whole arsenal of meds that have been by rx only are now available over the counter .

this could be good news for a few people.


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Cleveland Ohio
Problems are worse this year. Generic Afrin works for an hour or two, but I stay swollen for a week after riding. I'll only use that crap for 2 days....don't want to form dependency. I have seen Afrin addicts and they live a miserable life. I have an appointment with an ENT guy on tuesday...I hope they can figure out what went wrong with my sinuses.

I can't even swim in a pool anymore without my nose taking a chit. This all started 3 years ago...b4 that, no problems.

I may need my nose cut off and new one put on...(a little smaller this time, please).

I have tried every drug on the market...nothing really touches this crap. I am now officially on daily allergy drugs which pisses me off. (plus, they don't seem to do anything!) I've been on them for 5 days now.
Raise your intake of zinc, prevents cold/flu/sinus infections, I have been getting a sick a every month lately, last week sinus went into overdrive, like a waterfall down my throat, meds didn't really work. Got a gym supplement with zinc, magnesium and tribulus terrestris in, straight away started getting better, the trib raises testosterone which also helps the immune system.
I started using a saline solution to rinse my nose out after every ride. Found it at the local drug store. It doesn't fix the problem by any means, but it kept me from being completely congested and it also kept my congestion down to only a couple days after each ride. Before the solution the lake kept me sick for a couple months straight riding three times a week. But now I've graduated up to ear infections.

Grand Rapids, MI
I've been on the generic flonase for 2 months now, it's two sprays in each nostril once a day (50mcg per spray).

I never had a problem until last fall - is this part of getting old??? :(


Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
I use this


But, I also add some things to it:

Just a dab of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. Not too much or it will sting like crazy, but it's a great antibiotic/antiviral.


A little honey. It's a natural antibiotic and cuts the ACV down a little.


Colloidal silver 10-30ppm great antibiotic/antiviral.

If I were to choose only add one thing to it, it would be the Colloidal Silver.

I hate taking any type of drug, but Sudafed and nasal sprays do help clear you up. They, however, do nothing for the bacteria/virus living in your sinus. Also, most sinus infections are caused by viruses, so antibiotics do nothing for them. Most doctors will prescribe antibiotics without doing a culture test because it's cheaper and they think that the antibiotics will help if it's bacterial, and your body will fight it off if it's viral. The problem with antibiotics is that they will kill all the natural (good) bacteria in your digestive tract as well.
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Word of caution with the sinus meds. I used a product called Flonase for about a month due to similar effects. It caused my sinuses to drain down the back of my throat and into my lungs. A few months later I was admitted to the emergency room with what was at first suspected to be a collapsed lung. It turned out that i now had a fungus growing in my lungs that had reached a critical point. While a round of antibiotics took care of it, I have to wonder what the long term effects will be. To this day (now seven years later) when I sneeze, everyone around me can smell what would seem to be the aroma of fresh cut flowers. Wierd to say the least. I still suffer from cronic sinusitus but would rather suffer than put any drug into my body.

flonase is a steroid, it will work WONDERFULLY in a variety of situations

but long term use is risky......flonase can increase the pressre in the eyes and cause the effects of glaucoma...

it can also throw off the natural steroid production from the brain (from the adrenal gland)

last thing is it can and will do is decrease your immune system!

just a note on this
antibiotics do not work on fungus
or viruses

antibiotics will only work on bacterial infections
just a public service announcement

sooooo many people just cannot understand that concept!

I found Nasacort to be the best thing out there...2 sprays in each nostril and you are set for the day. Need a prescription.

another cautious with long term use

I tried the NeilMed Sinus Rinse a year ago and woke up with the sinus headache of insanity.

im disappointed in you...this is your ONLY contribution to t:spank:his thread? :nono:
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Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
I tried the NeilMed Sinus Rinse a year ago and woke up with the sinus headache of insanity.

There's really no reason it should have given you a sinus headache. It's basically saline. I suspect you had a sinus infection. You probably would have woke up with that headache no mater what.

Once the packets are gone in the kit, I'll probably just make up my own using sea salt and the stuff I listed above. The little injection bottle works pretty good. I've tried using 2 packets, but that seemed to dry my sinuses out.


I've got the glow
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im disappointed in you...this is your ONLY contribution to t:spank:his thread? :nono:

Yes. My post was to infer that the NeilMed "Neti Pot" system can make your sinus issues worse and should be approached with caution.

Now I use Sudafed and Afrin.
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